- myocardium lesion 心肌损伤
- Detection of myocardial lesion in patients with acute ammonia poisoning 急性氨中毒患者心肌损伤的检测
- Here is a microabscess in the myocardium. 图示心肌微脓疡。
- There were more severe myocardial lesions in later stage (cell-mediated autoimmune response)than in early stage.The depression of cardiac contractility is a consequence of multifactor. 病毒性心肌炎后期,免疫反应造成心肌组织损害较病毒直接损害更严重,造成心肌收缩力明显减小。
- Microvenular hemangioma is a benign lesion. 微静脉型血管瘤是良性病变。
- Effects of Desflurane in Senescent Rat Myocardium. 地氟醚对于大鼠心肌衰老的作用。
- Grossly, a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion. 肉芽肿是较局限化的。
- Mesenchyma of myocardium was edematous. 光镜、电镜观察心肌病理性变化。
- The lesion should not be squeezed. 不要挤压患部。
- Breast cancer was a local lesion. 乳房癌是局部病变。
- The main complaint was ache at the lesion. 病变部位疼痛是患者就诊的主要原因。
- Topic How to treat thrombus-rich lesion? 富含血栓的血管病变处理?
- TO lesion the sound of the water. 再听听水滴落的声音。
- Hyperplastic or neoplastic lesion of the spleen? 脾脏的肿瘤性病变还是增生性病变?
- CPA induced by CRD was abolished by ACC lesion. ACC损毁后条件性位置回避反应消失。
- This lesion can be lessened by surgical correction. 这种损害可通过外科矫治减弱。
- Those lesion had mild enhancement. 结果12例均经病理证实为本病。
- Table2. Contents of Mb, myocardium protein and LDH activity(± s). 表2.;实验各组冠状动脉灌洗液中肌红蛋白、肌蛋白含量和乳酸脱氢酶活性
- This large mass lesion is a liposarcoma. 图中巨大肿块是脂肪肉瘤。
- Degenerative changes of the myocardium occur in many diseases. 心肌的退化性变化发生于许多疾病。