- My Lord inquired of Mr. Stryver (the prisoner's counsel), whether they were next to try Mr. Carton (name of my learned friend) for treason? 法官询问斯特莱佛(囚犯的律师)下面是否要求以叛国罪审问卡尔顿(那是我那位有学问的朋友的名字)。
- My Lord being prayed to bid my learned friend lay aside his wig, and giving no very gracious consent, the likeness became much more remarkable. 众人要求法宫命令“那有学问的朋友”取下假发。 那人不太高兴地同意了。 这一来,两人之间的相似更显得惊人了。
- Allowing for my learned friend's appearance being careless and slovenly if not debauched, they were sufficiently like each other to surprise, not only the witness, but everybody present, when they were thus brought into comparison. 除了我这位有学问的朋友有点不修边幅(如果不算是有失体面的话)之外,他和囚犯确实是一模一祥。 把两人一比较,不但叫那证人大吃了一惊,就是在场所有的人也都大吃了一惊。
- my learned friend(= in a court of law) 我博学的同仁(法庭用语)
- My learned friend,ie used by a lawyer of another lawyer in a lawcourt 律师在法庭上的互称
- 'Look well upon that gentleman, my learned friend there,' pointing to him who had tossed the paper over,' and then look well upon the prisoner. “你仔细看看我的有学识的朋友,那边那位先生,”律师指着扔过纸条的人说,“然后再仔细看看囚犯。
- my learned friend 我渊博的同行在法庭上律师对其他律师的称呼
- You can sign in to save My Learning. 您可以登录以保存“我的学习”。
- I will continue my learning, though I am tired of learning English. 尽管我很烦英语,我还是要学它。
- I will continue my learning,though I am tired of learning English. 尽管我很烦英语,我还是要学它。
- I'd like to share my learning techniques with you, and I will be very glad to answer you letters and be your friend. 我愿意与各位分享我的学习技巧并非常乐意答复各位的来信,彼此成为朋友。
- This is coincidental with my learning basic Cantonese. 这有赖于我正在学习中的基本的广东话。
- This class will add to my learning about this subject. 这门课将增加我对这个题目的知识。
- The assignment for this subject helped to guide my learning? 本课程的作业是否有助于指导您的学习?
- The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. 唯一能妨碍我学习的是我的教育。
- The difficulty of grasping abstract statements made my learning very tiresome. 难以理解的抽象表述使我对学习感到厌烦。
- MTK platform for introductory information on the convenience of interested MTK Learning Friend! MTK平台入门资料,方便对MTK感兴趣的朋友学习!
- I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help. 我应召急忙前去帮助我的朋友。
- There are exclamations of congrat-ulation and commiseration as the women learn friends' assignments. 当这些女人知道朋友的飞行路线时,总会发出道贺和同情的呼声。
- I am longing to see my friend Jack again. 我渴望再见到我的朋友杰克。