- My head is splitting from the noise. 这噪音使我头痛欲裂。
- My head is a man who always acts up. 我的领导是一个总爱出风头的人。
- Where shall I wear them if my head is shaved? "若剃了头,可把这花儿戴在那里呢?"
- Lily: My head is screaming 'Get a grip girl! 莉莉:我的头脑在大叫着“丫头,别沉浸其中!”
- My head is aching and run at the nose. 我头痛得厉害,还流鼻涕。
- Sometimes my head is giddy. I feel dizzy. 我有时头晕,我觉得头晕。
- my head is reeling 我头昏脑胀
- My head is itching to death because of dandruff. 由于头皮屑,我的头都要痒死了。
- I feel dizzy. or My head is swimming. 我头昏。
- My head hurts. My head is pounding. I have a splitting headache. 我的头像裂了似地疼。
- Under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody, but unbowed. 在那个千钧一发之际,我没有退缩,也没发声哭泣。
- Yestaday my head is put on the cupboard doors and got a bruise. 昨天晚上我的头碰在橱门上,擦伤了。
- For my head is full of dew, My locks with the drops of night. 因我的头满了露水,我的头发有夜露滴落。
- The fisherman is reeling up his line. 捕鱼的人正在收绕钓丝。
- The very idea sets my head reeling. 就是那念头把我弄得头昏脑胀。
- My head is going round and round this morning; I had a terrible night. 今天上午我一直昏昏沉沉的,昨夜我完全睡不着。
- Open to me my dove, for my head is filled with the drops of the night. 我的鸽子,我的完人,求你给我开门,因我的头沾满了露水。
- He is reeling up a tail of fish. 他正钓起一条鱼。
- My head is whirling with data. 我的大脑因数据充斥而一片混乱
- All that sort of thing is well over my head. 那种事都是我所不懂的。