- My chief end is to serve my country and my people. 我的首要目标是为国为民服务。
- They do have a large,world-embracing view indeed. To them,the discussion of "my country and my people" here would sound meaningless and unnecessary. 他们眼界可谓大矣,真正是放眼全球,心怀世界,只是对于这类世界公民倾向的新加坡人,我在这里讨论的“吾国吾民”的问题就没有丝毫意义,而应该取消的了。
- In My Country and My People, I have pointed out the evils of this all-engrossing family system, which can become a form of magnified selfishness, to the detriment of the state. 我在《吾国与吾民》里,曾指出这种占有一切的家族制度的弊害,它能够变成一种扩大的自私心理,妨害国家的发展。
- They do have a large, world-embracing view indeed. To them, the discussion of "my country and my people" here would sound meaningless and unnecessary. 他们眼界可谓大矣,真正是放眼全球,心怀世界,只是对于这类世界公民倾向的新加坡人,我在这里讨论的“吾国吾民”的问题就没有丝毫意义,而应该取消的了。
- In My Country and My People,I have pointed out the evils of this all-engrossing family system,which can become a form of magnified selfishness,to the detriment of the state. 我在《吾国与吾民》里,曾指出这种占有一切的家族制度的弊害,它能够变成一种扩大的自私心理,妨害国家的发展。
- I served my country and my country served me up! 我为我的国家卖命,而我的国家却出卖了我。
- my country and my people 吾国与吾民
- I have huge responsibilities in the world.Besides, I am the smartest president in the history of my country and can‘t shun the responsibility to my people by dying. 背负着全世界的重责,我也是美国有史以来最聪明的总统,我不能因堕机而逃避对国民的责任。”
- France is alone; and God is alone; and what is my loneliness before the loneliness of my country and my God? 法国孤独,上帝也孤独。我的孤独,跟祖国的孤独、上帝的孤独比起来算得了什么?
- I was about enrolling to have a master's degree in nursing /midwifery before, myself and my family suffered a tragedy out of civil war in my country and several political unrest. 我正要招收有硕士学位护理/助产之前,我自己和我的家庭遭受了一场悲剧的内战在我国和一些政治动乱。
- They asked about my family,my job and my country. 他们问起我的家庭、我的工作、我的国家。
- They asked about my family, my job and my country. 他们问起我的家庭、我的工作、我的国家。
- "As much as my country and my government wants to move forward in peace with Palestinians, Hamas and the other extremists are the greatest single problem in moving forward in peace," said Regev. 他说:“就像我的祖国和我国政府非常希望推动与巴勒斯坦方面的和平进程一样,在推动和平方面哈马斯和其他极端分子是最大问题。
- My home town's been bombed fiat and my people have gone to Pengpu. 我家里让炮火打得稀烂,家里人都逃到蚌埠去了。
- We talked about my country, my childhood and my future planning. 我们讲到我的国家、我的童年和我未来的计划。
- Every country has people who've been brainwashed by nationalism in schools and the media, including my country and yours. “应该说差不多每个民族都会有类似“可笑的幻想“。”
- I pledge my devotion to my country and to the Romanian people, to defend the nation's rights and interests, to respect the Constitution and laws of Romania. 我宣誓忠于我的国家和罗马尼亚人民,捍卫国家的权利和利益,尊重罗马尼亚的宪法和法律。
- My whole ambition is to serve my country and maintain its greatness. 我唯一的抱负就是为国家服务,维护它的伟大。
- This is the first time I have left my country and set foot on foreign soil. 这是我第一次跨出国门,踏上异国土地。
- I will satisfy the priests with abundance, and my people will be filled with my bounty," declares the LORD. 我必以肥油使祭司的心满足.我的百姓也要因我的恩惠知足.这是耶和华说的。