- To place in or come into mutual relationship. 相互联系使或形成相互联系
- It should be a mutual relationship. 应该是一个互相的关系。
- Witness a lot of progress in our mutual relationship. 看到彼此关系大大进步了。
- To establish a mutual relationship between the Maha Sangha and laymen. 建立僧团与在家居士良好关系。
- It is a mutual relationship, a true reciprocity we are now engaged in building. 我们正在建立的是一种相互的,真正互惠的关系。
- Mutual relationship of infection cycles between ear rot and stalk rot caused by Fusarium spp. 玉米镰孢菌穗、茎腐病侵染循环的相互关系。
- But after the end of the Cold War China and the European countries readjusted their mutual relationship. 但是随著冷战的结束,美国、中国与欧洲国家也重新调整彼此之间的关系。
- I hope the ACSC can establish the e-mail communication group, strengthen the mutual relationship and cooperation. 最好能建立电子信件通讯组,加强相互的联系和合作。
- This mutual relationship may have broken down in some circumstances, where the animals' interests have been uncoupled from human interests. 此一互動關係在某些狀況下被破壞,在此處動物之利益已經脫離人的利益。
- Colourity color management system to describe the color of the final results, but it does not reflect the mutual relationship between them. 色度色彩处置编制能刻画颜色的首先成果,但并不克不及反响不入它们之间的互动关系。
- There is no falsehood in this unity as long as the lowliness of man and the pre-eminence of God coexist in mutual relationship. 正如圣言并没有失去与圣父同等的光荣,同样,血肉也没有舍弃我们人类的本性。
- When a multipart entity is composed of the same base type and there is no stipulation as to their mutual relationship, it is called Multi type. 简单型组合实体由同类元素以无约束的方式组成,该实体为元素的直线排列,因此不能嵌套。
- According to ERG theory, the needs for living, mutual relationship and growth are the three central needs for humans to exist together. 摘要"ERG"理论认为生存的需要、相互关系的需要和成长发展的需要,是人们共同存在的三种核心的需要。
- The regressive analysis is that the data of engineering and scientific experiment are fitted into linear function to correspond to the mutual relationship among the variable. 回归分析是把工程和科学实验数据拟合为线性函数,以反映变量间的相互关系。
- Secondly, he makes a rough outline of modernist characteristics, namely the mutual relationship, rupturality, globality, and duality between extentionality and intentionality. 其次,吉登斯描绘了现代性特征的大致轮廓,即外延性与意向性的交互关联性、断裂性、全球性和双重性。
- Most times, people try to down play the issue of sexual harassment by mischievously relating or equating it to a mutual relationship between opposite sexes. 大多数时候,人们把性骚扰淡化为一个调皮的相关话题或者把它等同于两性之间的相互关系。
- The Copula function is taken to replace the relevant coefficient and characterize the mutual relationship between risk factors. On such a basis, the calculation of portfolio value-at-risk is discussed from the foregoing relationship. 运用Copula函数代替相关系数表示风险因子之间的依存关系,进而从风险因子依存性角度探讨投资组合风险值(var)的计算。
- Objective To observe the expression of connexin-32 and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)and their mutual relationship in forebrain of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) induced seizure in rats after pretreatment with carbenoxolone (CBX). 目的研究大鼠在脑室埋管注射甘珀酸(CBX)预处理后戊四氮导致癫痫发作时前脑内胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)和连接蛋白-32(Cx32)表达及其相互关系。
- This paper attempts to analyze its dualism,the genuineness of material and the reception of people and to deplore their mutual relationships. 笔者尝试提出交际测试任务中真实性的二重性概念,即测试材料的"确实性"和人的"可接受性",并对其相互关系做进一步的研究探讨。
- Stars in universe may be classified according to size, color, composition, temperature, mutual relationships, or stages of evolutionary development. 宇宙中的恒星可以根据大小、颜色、构成成份、温度、星际关系或演化发展阶段等来加以分类。