- Grinblatt M.& Titman S.The Persistence of Mutual Fund Performance[J].Journal of Finance,1992,47(5):1977-1984. 吴启芳;汪寿阳;黎建强.;中国证券投资基金业绩的持续性检验[J]
- Henriksson,Roy D.,1984,"Market Timing and Mutual Fund Performance:An Empirical Investigation",Journal of Business 57(January),73-96. 王聪.;证券投资基金业绩评估模型分析[J]
- An empirical examination on the relationship between fund performance and fund expenses in the mutual fund 证券投资基金费用对基金绩效的影响研究
- Carhart, M. M.,(1997),”On Persistence in Mutual Fund Performance”, Journal of Finance,(52)1:57-82。 林胜昌(2003),基金经理人个人属性对基金行为之影响-以国内开放式股票型基金为例,铭传大学财务金融学系硕士论文。
- Ippolito,R.A.,(1989),“Efficiency with Costly Information: A Study of Mutual Fund Performance, 1965-1984”, Quarterly Journal of Economic,104:1-23。 陈智贤(1998),以因子模型探讨台湾共同基金绩效之持续性,国立中正大学财务金融所。
- Apap,A. and Griffith,J.M.(1998),”The Impact of Expenses on Equity Mutual Fund Performance”, Journal of Financial Planning,11:76-81。 李明枝(1996),国内共同基金绩效持续性之研究,中兴大学企业管理研究所硕士论文。
- An economic analysis of mutual fund. 本章对基金契约进行了法律分析。
- How do I receive a scarecrow mutual fund business? 问:如何领取稻草人创业互助基金?
- mutual fund performance 基金业绩
- Ms Tse has extensive experience in the mutual fund industry. 谢氏于互惠基金行业拥有丰富的工作经验。
- A bond and a bond mutual fund are totally different animals. 债券和债券型基金是完全不同的。
- Usually individials dues/do this through money market mutual fund. 通常个人通过货币共有基金来进行投资。
- At first blush, mutual fund NAVs seem just like stock prices. 乍一看,基金的NAV就像是股价。
- Chang,E.C.,and W.G.Lewellen,1984,Market Timing and Mutual Fund Investment Performance,Journal of Business,57,57-72. 他认为企业年金最终收益率=企业年金投资收益率-受托机构管理费率-账户管理费率-投资管理费率-托管费率.
- Our investment service will help you to choose a unit trust or mutual fund among a range of possibilities and to evaluate them in terms of performance and risk. 我们的投资服务将协助您在多种信托基金或互惠基金中作出选择,并对各项基金的表现与风险进行评估。
- Why are mutual funds safer than the stock market? 为什么共同基金比股市安全?
- Use a discount broker or consider mutual funds. 运用折扣经纪商或考虑共同基金。
- One solution to this problem is mutual funds. 解决这个问题的一个办法是建立共同基金。
- One way to invest is through mutual funds. 一种投资方法是购买共有基金。
- Hindsight- Lipper's leading windows-based fund performance desktop for European, Asian and offshore markets. 事后诸葛:里浦的最主要的“视窗基础”的基金业绩表现以桌面形式表现,提供欧洲、洲和离岸市场的情况。