- muskmelon fusarium wilt 甜瓜枯萎病
- Muskmelon was grafted on blackseed pumpkin (Cucurbit a ficifolia) to control melon fusarium wilt. 温室采用黑籽南瓜嫁接伽师厚皮甜瓜防治甜瓜枯萎病,田间防效在95.;4%25以上。
- How to diagnose Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt in cotton field? 怎样根据当地病害发生程度,提出棉花枯萎病和黄萎病的综合治理策略?
- The result showed that irrigation and fertilization were mostly effect factors on the control of fusarium wilt. 结果表明灌水和施肥是影响辣椒枯萎病发病率的主要因素。
- Seed proteins of 4 fusarium wilt sensitive cotton and their related tolerant mate- rials were analyzed via SDS- PAGE. 用SDS-pAGE方法分析了4种感枯萎病棉花及其抗病后代的种子蛋白。
- Please analyse the conditions of disease development of corn Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt. 怎样根据当地病害发生程度,提出棉花枯萎病和黄萎病的综合治理策略?
- Studies on Verticillium and Fusarium Wilt Resistant Cotton Plants with Trangenosis by Laser Microbeam Puncture[J]. 引用该论文 刘桂珍;蓝海燕;田颖川;李树诚;乐锦华;王兰岚;陈正华.
- Tolerant to cold, water lodging and heat, and highly resistant to Fusarium wilt and rust diseases, high yield. 耐寒性特强、耐涝性强、耐热中等,高抗枯萎病、耐锈病,丰产。
- Watermelon Fusarium wilt is an important soil-borne disease, that restricts watermelon production in all areas in the world. 摘要西瓜枯萎病是一种土传病害,在世界各地均有发生,成为西瓜生产的主要限制因子。
- The result showed: The inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt in sesame was mainly controlled by additive gene effect. 结果表明:芝麻对枯萎病抗性主要表现加性遗传,其病情指数的遗传方差以一般配合力方差为主,特殊配合力方差在F_1代不显著,F_2代显著,但F_2代SCA/GCA值仍较小;
- Mechanisms of soil amendment in controlling Fusarium wilt diseases.? Symposium on Soilborne Plant Diseases p11-12, Taiwan . 十字花科蔬菜黑斑病菌的选择性培养基与存活。植保会刊23(4):304。
- It was a potential measure to screen antagonistic bacteria and produce microbial germicide in the control of fusarium wilt of banana. 筛选香蕉枯萎病菌的拮抗菌,开发微生物杀菌剂对香蕉枯萎病的防治将有重要的意义。
- However, production of banana is being threatened by the fusarium wilt, which is caused by Fusarium oxysporium f. sp. cubense (FOC). 但是,香蕉枯萎病[Fusarium oxysporum f.;sp
- The status and prospects of wateremlon Fusarium wilt management are outlined in this article based on authors experiences and literature review. 作者根据多年实践并参考有关资料,对海南西瓜枯萎病的防治现状和未来发展方向进行了综述。
- Survival, growth, yield and quality of cucumber grafted were studied,and the resistances to fusarium wilt and phytophthora blight were evaluated. 研究津研4号黄瓜和4种瓜类砧木嫁接的亲和性,及嫁接黄瓜对黄瓜疫病和黄瓜枯萎病的抗性,测定嫁接黄瓜的长势、产量及品质。
- The research was carried on the effect of solid agent controlling the cucumber fusarium wilt and the green pepper phytophthora bligh by the field plot experiment. 利用田间小区试验进行固体生物肥料防治黄瓜枯萎病和青椒疫病的效果研究,对田间应用效果进行评价。
- The research was earned on the effect of solid agent controlling the cucumber fusarium wilt and the green pepper phytophthora bligh by the field plot experiment. 摘要利用田间小区试验进行固体生物肥料防治黄瓜枯萎病和青椒疫病的效果研究,对田间应用效果进行评价。
- Effects of fungicides against Muskmelon fusarium Welt 杀菌剂防治甜瓜枯萎病药效试验
- As for control fusarium wilt of cotton (caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum ), chitin additives increased the efficacy of all tested strains. 对于防治棉花枯萎病来说,几丁质添加物能提高所有测定菌株的防治效果。
- Fusarium wilt of banana, a classic vascular wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense(FOC), is regard as one of the most significant threats to banana. 香蕉枯萎病是一种由尖孢镰刀菌古巴专化型(Fusarium oxysoporum f.;sp