- A native of India, especially northern India. 印度人尤指居住在印度北部的原居民
- It is arguable that the poverty of Portugal caused the discovery of India. 可以说印度是因为葡萄牙贫穷才被发现的。
- The music of the wind in the pines. 松树林中的风声仿佛音乐一般
- The music of this song sent her carefree and joyous. 这支歌的乐曲使她心旷神怡。
- Ceylon is an island at the south of India. 锡兰是印度南边的一个岛。
- The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the Eternal. 瞬刻的喧声,讥笑着永恒的音乐。
- The new religion was to embrace the whole of India. 后来这新教传遍了全印度。
- New Delhi is the capital of India. 新德里是印度的首都。
- The music of the radio distracted me from my read. 收音机的音乐使我不能专心读书。
- The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 印度大宗商品交易所。
- We play the music of Mozart at the slow tempo. 我们以慢速演奏了莫扎特的音乐。
- Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 和印度多种商品交易所。
- He went on playing the music of Mozart. 他继续弹奏莫扎特的乐曲。
- The population of India is second to that of China. 印度的人口仅次于中国。
- Maoist Communist Center of India. 印度毛派共产主义中心。
- We felt charmed with the music of birds. 小鸟的歌唱令我们陶醉。
- What does the example of India illustrate? 印度的例子表明了什么?
- So I play the invisible music of my isolation. 于是我就演奏起我的与世隔绝的无形音乐。
- One of the great Masters of India was very poor. 印度历史上有一位伟大的明师生活清贫。