- She told me her brother was also a music lover. 从她的口中知道她的哥哥也是个音乐迷。
- And still, a music lover! Finally found him a xylophone. 终于买到了小木琴,嘿嘿,好喜欢的!
- I\\\'m a relatively shy introvert, camera nut, DJ and music lover. 我有些腼腆,性格内向,是一个摄影、主持、音乐爱好者。
- Her family are all music lovers. 她全家人都是音乐爱好者。
- I was born a music lover; I live a music lover; I shall die a music lover. 我生下来是音乐爱好者,活着是音乐爱好者,死时也是音乐爱好者。
- But that is more like a professional endeavour, that's not as a music lover. 但是这是针对专业的音乐人来说的,而非针对音乐爱好者。
- A visionary Venerable who is also an avid Buddhist music lover, he has co-produced several bestselling albums. 本身是佛教音乐爱好者,曾制作多张畅销的佛教音乐专辑。
- Nicole Garbarini is a neuroscience Ph.D. candidate, freelance writer and music lover based in Nashville, Tenn. 住在美国田纳西州那许维尔,目前是神经科学博士候选人、自由作家与音乐爱好者。
- The evening was a real feast for music lovers. 这个晚会真是让音乐爱好者大饱耳福。
- A dream for musicians and music lovers. 一个纠缠了世界各国音乐人很久的梦。
- His family are all music lovers. 他家的人都喜欢音乐。
- But if you put a rock music lover into an opera house, you'd be lucky if he doesn't doze off. 但是如果你让一个摇滚爱好者去听京剧;那么他不打瞌睡就是你好运了.
- Y.K.: You know, Shinichiro Watanabe granted a large importance to music.He's a huge music lover. 你知道,渡边信一郎对音乐很重视,他是一个铁杆乐迷。
- A steam enthusiast and music lover has combined his two favourite hobbies and invented the world's first steam-powered gramophone. 一名蒸汽热爱者兼音乐爱好者将他的两大嗜好结合起来,发明了世界上首座蒸汽动力留声机。
- Funny, music lover, concert goer, though went for only a few:), movie lover, all ears, respect individualities, and privacies. 幽默,外向,喜欢音乐,读书,骑自行车,远足,电影等等,我很尊重个人的空间,喜欢倾听
- She commanded the admiration of music lovers all over the world. 她受到世界各地音乐爱好者的尊重。
- Still, the question remains: How close should the intelligent music lover wish to come to pinning a definite meaning to any particular work? 问题依然是:聪明的音乐爱好者该如何把握分寸,给具体的作品一个确定意义?
- Funny, music lover, concert goer, though went for only few, movie lover, all ears, respect individualities, and privacies. 幽默,外向,喜欢音乐,读书,骑自行车,远足,电影等等,我很尊重个人的空间,喜欢倾听
- Great musicians command the admiration of music lovers. 伟大的音乐家博得乐迷的赞叹。
- I have known her for many years, as a friend, as a musician and music lover, and as an activist working to relieve world hunger and promote aboriginal culture. 我认识她已经很多年了,是朋友,是音乐家及音乐爱好者,而且是行动主义者,帮助解救世界饥饿及发扬原住民文化。