- These three points show the typification of music creation after liberation. 这三个方面的特点突出表现了建国后的戏曲音乐创作十分注重“典型性”。
- The second Canton Music Creation Competition award was hold on 7th June 1997 at Cultural Park Central Stage. (三)第二届民间乐社广东音乐创作演奏大赛1997年6月7日在文化公园中心台举办。
- The first Canton Music Creation Competition award was hold on 30th June 1995 at Friendship Theatre. (二)1995年6月30日首届广东音乐创作大赛颁奖晚会在友谊剧院举办。
- Growing up in a musical family, he had a fertile soil for music creation. 他生长在一个音乐家庭,有音乐创造的肥沃的土壤。
- The question of the dramatics in opera music creation is a primary question which every opera composer faces when they write music. 在歌剧创作中,音乐的戏剧性问题,是每一位从事歌剧创作的作曲家所面临的首要问题。
- The inborn rebellious character of Prokofiev's and the family influence on his childhood laid the foundation of his music creation. 摘要普罗科菲耶夫天生的叛逆性格和他幼年所受的家庭影响莫定了他音乐创新的基础。
- Speaking of this album, there is a very moving story.Due to the music creation requirements, Adrien has to live in Paris frequently. 说起这张专辑,有一个感人的故事:由于音乐创作需要,阿德里安长期旅居巴黎。
- Qing Dynasty women Tanci Fiction, not as women in the poems, words, music creation and access to the concern of many affirmed. 清代女性的弹词小说创作,虽未如女性在诗、词、曲创作方面获得众多的关注和肯定。
- On the analysis of the period background about the symphony by Beethoven,this paper is to discuss intenge particularity and in novative spirit of music creation by Beethoven. 本文通过对贝多芬交响音乐创作时代背景的分析 ,阐述了贝多芬音乐创作的强烈个性特征和创新精神
- There were 166 new music works all together played in that conference, which showed the flourishing situation of the Chinese contemporary music creation. 讲话认为会议上交流的166部新作品,展示了我国现代音乐创作繁荣的局面和日臻成熟的趋势;
- The synesthesia during the reproduce of musical image has an important position in music creation and appreciation. 音乐形象再现过程中的“联觉”,在音乐创作和欣赏中占有重要地位。
- After computers take part in the music creation, Internet became the main means of transmission. Such digital format of recording music as WAV file, MOD, MP3 and etc, as well as digital smartmedia which use HD and CD - ROM, all emerged. 在计算机介入音乐生产后,网络传播成为传播手段的主流,磁盘和光盘等数字式的音乐存储介质,CD文件(波形文件)、MOD文件、MIDI文件及MP3文件等数字式音乐记录格式都随之产生。
- Exuding a fresh national flavor, these works showed the continued vivacity of musical creation in China. 这些舞剧、音乐更具有崭新的鲜明的民族个性,显示着音乐创作的勃勃生机。
- According to this, this paper aims at the dramatics in opera music creation in 19 century.It can not only help us comprehend the opera music, but also provide theory basis for our opera creation. 鉴于此,本文通过对发展巅峰的19世纪欧洲歌剧创作中音乐的戏剧性的研究,不仅有利于我们能更好地理解歌剧音乐,而且对我国现在歌剧创作提供理论上的借鉴依据。
- Another feature of the compact disc was that it showed the composer’s removed the conception on the technique of electronic music as well as his idea of music creation more maturated. 新专辑既反映出作曲家在电子音乐技术观念上的更新,也反映出他的音乐创作思想更加成熟。
- He in Masurium Zuka in the dance music this kind of literature style music creation, had demonstrated he absorbs and processes the national folk music source material the deep skill. 他在玛祖卡舞曲这类体裁的音乐创作中,显示了他吸收和处理民族民间音乐素材的深厚功力。
- Chinese pop has undergone several revolutions in the past few decades, the most prominent being led by, Jay Chou, another Sony Music creation, who retook the airwaves for Chinese singers. 华人音乐在过去的几十年里做了几场革命,其中最突出的就是索尼音乐的另一个创作歌手周杰伦,他震惊了华语乐坛。
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- He has composed a suite of music for the film. 他为该电影配写了一套乐曲。