- musculus procerus 降眉间肌,纤肌
- Mus musculus was a dominant species,occupied 63.71%. 小家鼠为优势鼠种;占63.;71%25。
- Procerus muscles arise from the joining site of nasal bone and nasi cartilage and its i... 结论通过观察弄清了鼻额部深层的皱眉肌和降眉肌的形态及其与血管神经的关系。
- The intrinsic group includes the procerus, which raises the dorsum and lowers the lateral cartilages. 鼻内肌群包括降眉间肌,它能够抬高鼻背,降低外侧软骨。
- Methods To resect flabby eyelid andsurplus eyebrow,overhang the canthus muscle to the frontal bone periosteum meanwhile sever corrugator and procerus. 方法:保留适当宽度的自然眉,切除松弛的上睑及多余的眉,悬吊眉峰及外眦角处的眼轮匝肌于骨膜上,同时切断皱眉肌及降眉肌。
- Conclusion By observing the anatomical position and shape of corrugator and procerus, their relationship with nerve and vessels are elucidated. 结论通过观察弄清了鼻额部深层的皱眉肌和降眉肌的形态及其与血管神经的关系。
- The Application of Modified Musculus Pectoralis Major in the Clinical Operation. 改良性胸大肌肌皮瓣在临床上应用。
- The resection of procerus ,corrugator and frontalis muscles is performed under direct vision to modify the imbalance of the muscles . 各例术后效果均较满意,手术能纠正眉下垂、眼角下垂,减少颞部皱纹及眉间皱纹。
- No local hyperemia or necrosis was observed in the musculus quadriceps of rabbits injected. 家兔股四头肌肌肉注射后未见局部充血坏死;
- Musculus orsbicularis oris was bluntly separated up to the tip of the nose through nasal columella. 结果56例受术者全都效果满意,无鼻翼变形、瘢痕或感染等并发症。
- Objective To evaluate the application of musculus diaphragma pacemaker electric stimulus for accessory respiration. 目的探讨膈肌起搏电刺激膈神经的辅助呼吸方法。
- Rattus norvegicus was the dominant host (77.57%), and then Tscherskia triton (13.63%) and Mus musculus (8.81%). 宿主动物构成以褐家鼠占绝对优势(77.;57%25),其次为大仓鼠(13
- The origin of procerus was beyond the line between nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage, and the insertion point was at the level of both medial eyebrows. 降眉间肌起于鼻骨与鼻外侧软骨连接处以上,止于两眉内侧的水平线。
- Objective To investigate CT findings of polymyositis(PM) in musculus and the applied value of CT. 目的研究多发性肌炎(PM)的肌肉CT表现特点及应用价值。方法经肌肉活检证实的多发性肌炎20例。
- Goal: Exercises the bilateral musculus pectoralis, the upper arm and the balance force. 目标:女士锻炼肩部、颈部和平衡力、男士锻炼手臂力量。
- When speaking musculus glutaeus maximus to inject, "The method that law of 10 " word locates? 说出臀大肌注射时,"十"字法定位的方法?
- Sailboat-sleek, a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) slices through the waters of California's Channel Islands. 意译:巨大的海洋生物图片。光滑的帆船,一条蓝鲸(大长须鲸)像薄的切片穿过加利福尼亚的海峡群岛的水域。
- Finishing all getting on, in the movement of next footplate, active flesh is ham (quadriceps) reach coxal muscle (musculus glutaeus maximus) . 由于踏板的使用,动作内容大大增加,比如原来简单的踏、点可变成上下板;
- Balaenoptera musculus is a pale whale, and when seen through the blue filter of the ocean, its pallor goes turquoise or aquamarine. 蓝鲸是种浅色的鲸鱼,透过蓝色海水的滤光作用,它浅淡的皮肤就会变成蓝绿色或海蓝色。
- Results The musculus extensor of the elbow joint originated from the muscle tendon membrane of the external condyle of humerus. 结果肘关节伸肌起始于肱骨外髁的肌腱膜上,肌腱膜部分随肌肉走行成为肌间隔,部分止于尺骨鹰嘴外侧骨面;