- One may muscle test or pendulum if this is so. 你可以肌肉测试或钟摆测试看看是否是这样。
- You may then muscle test or pendulum which mineral is causing the problem. 那时你可以肌肉测试或灵摆测试,看是哪一块矿石导致了问题。
- Again one can either look for this clairvoyantly or muscle test or pendulum if this is so. 再次,你可以用透视或肌肉测试来寻找它。
- Each reading this material may wish to muscle test or pendulum how many rotations one requires at one's current vibration to synchronize with Earth. 每一个此资料的读者可以用肌肉或摆锤测试来测定你俩在当前振动层面上与地球合成所需要的转速。
- One of our associates in Group Mastery has learned to muscle test and pendulum each day which of the 48 single notes and 48 dual notes she is missing. 我们团队项目中的一个同事已学会每天用肌肉测试和摆锺来测试48个单音调和48个双音调中她所缺失的音调。
- One can also see or muscle test if one of such will centers is missing, and strive to retrieve it from whomever one has given it to in a karmic encounter. 你也能观察或用肌肉测试来看这些意志中心是否丢失了,并争取从业力相遇中的、得到它的任何人那里收回它。
- You can attune to our temple in meditation or dreamtime to receive your assessment once you have consumed the herbs for a few days that you muscle test to ingest. 你可以在冥想时或于梦想时间向我们圣殿调谐,来接收自你摄食根据肌肉测试来摄食的药草数天后对你的评估。
- Each may go through the notes provided upon our channels\' web site under the Language of Light and muscle test which tones one has only partially embraced. 每个人可以仔细检查我们通灵管道网站上光之语中所提供的音调,并肌肉测试哪些音调是你只部分融入的。
- Passion Flower and Valerian Root two others.One can muscle test and utilize the tinctures from such herbs as needed before bedtime in order to create more restful sleep. 你可以肌肉测试并在睡前按需使用这类药草所制成的酊剂,以产生安宁的睡眠效果。
- Those reading this information can go inward and muscle test if you have developed a response to plastic so that it does not lead to health problems in further ascension ahead. 那些阅读这一信息的人们可以向内肌肉测试看看,你是否已经产生了一种对塑料的免疫反应,以便不会在你前方进一步提升中造成健康问题。
- Take as much of the herb for as long as required and as one muscle tests pendulums. 采用你所需要的和是你肌肉测试或摆锤所测定的草药。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Objectives. To explore the clinical utility and reliability of manual muscle testing of forearm pronation strength in C6 and C7 radiculopathies. 目的:探索手工检查C6、C7神经根型颈椎病患者旋前圆肌肌力的临床应用及可靠性。
- Objecties. To explore the clinical utility and reliability of manual muscle testing of forearm pronation strength in C6 and C7 radiculopathies. 目的:探索手工检查C6、C7神经根型颈椎病患者旋前圆肌肌力的临床应用及可靠性。
- He no longer is reliant upon other methods of discerning his truth, such as muscle testing, as it flows implicitly through his telepathic channels. 他不再依靠其它方式来辨识真相,比如肌肉测试,因为(真相)透过心灵感应管道而固有流动。
- So muscle testing can allow one to bring to consciousness their body level knowledge, which may be more expansive than ones\' current awareness. 因此肌肉测试将允许一个人将其身体水平的知识带入意识,它将比你当前的觉知广泛得多。
- Daily dosages will need to be muscle tested along with length of treatment by oneself or a natural health practitioner that understands muscle testing. 每日用量以及使用服用时间长短由肌肉测试得到,或寻求懂得肌肉测试的自然疗法医师的帮助。
- However, if one has not transcended 3000, muscle testing or applied kinesiology is another manner of accessing body level knowing. 然而,如果你还并未超越3000股,那么肌肉测试或运动机能应用学则将是接触到身体水平觉知的另一种方式。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- Each may wish to review this information muscle testing or using the pendulum to discern those herbs most useful to your current and future ascent. 每个人都可能会希望来回顾这一信息,并以肌肉测试或摆锤测试来甄别哪些药草是对你当前和未来提升最有帮助的。