- This form of muscle growth is called hypertrophy. 这种肌肉增长的方式就叫做“肥大”。
- Creatine can add muscle growth anaerobic strength and explosive power. 补充肌氨酸,可以增长肌肉无氧力量和爆发力。
- The potential medicine is designed to inhibit the protein myostatin, which limits muscle growth. 该蛋白药物设计抑制限制肌肉生长的筒箭毒碱蛋白。
- This is referred to as signal transduction, and the amplified signal increases Testosterone's anabolic effects to stimulate muscle growth. 这指信号转导,并且被放大的信号增加睾酮的促合成作用刺激肌肉成长。
- To be able to influence muscle growth, scientists are piecing together the molecular details of how muscle is naturally built and lost. 为了能够左右肌肉的生长,科学家正拼凑自然状况下肌肉建造和耗损在分子层次的细节。
- The growth hormone(GH)/insulin-like growth factor-I(IGF-I) axis is one of the most important regulators of skeletal muscle growth. 生长激素(GH/)胰岛素样生长因子-I(IGF-I)轴是肌肉生长的重要调节因子之一。
- Anabolic steroids: Steroid hormone that increases tissue growth. Anabolic steriods are given to elderly or postoperative patients to promote muscle growth and tissue regeneration. 促蛋白合成类固醇:一种可以增进组织生长的类固醇激素。常用来给手术后病人和年老病人吃可促进肌肉生长和组织再生。
- Some people resort to taking anabolic steroids in order to accelerate muscle growth but you can get great results by implementing the ultimate bodybuilding diet. 一些人为了加速肌肉的生长采取服用促同化激素类,但是你可以通过完成终极健身饮食得到更显著的效果。
- Testosterone, an anabolic hormone responsible for muscle growth among many other things, is produced by the body in order to rebuild the muscle to resist against future weight. 睾丸激素,这种同样也负责肌肉生长的合成代谢荷尔蒙,就会在体内合成出来,用于重建肌肉以抗拒日后的负重。
- The growth rate of porcine muscle is directly related to the economic benefits of pig production, and skeletal muscle growth is an important part of muscle growth in pig. 猪肌肉的生长速度直接关系到养猪生产的经济效益,肌肉生长主要指骨骼肌生长。
- Myostatin(MSTN) gene is expressed specifically in developing and mature skeletal muscle,and the expression products of MSTN gene inhibits muscle growth and differentiation. 摘要 双臀基因(MSTN)在发育和成熟的骨骼肌中特异表达,并对肌肉具有负调控作用。
- Producted by the company.It has the necessary aminophenol without which the person's muscle growth will be blocked and the person will have ataxia and anaemia. 味之素莲花氨基酸有限公司出品,必需氨基酸,人体缺乏时会影响肌体生长发育,引起神经障得、运动失调、贫血等。
- Increased muscle size and improved racing performance in whippet dogs have also been traced to a single base-pair change, which inactivates a signal that normally suppresses muscle growth. 惠比特猎犬肌肉的增加和竞赛表现的增进,也被发现和单一碱基改变有关,它破坏了一个正常时会抑制肌肉生长的信号。
- Beyond all of the specific workout principles, such as rep range and exercise selection, remains one crucial principle, a principle that lies at the very heart of the muscle growth process. 在所有的具体训练理论中,比如说像每组多少个和选择什麽动作等等,存在这一个决定性的训练理论,这个训练理论存在于肌肉生长的每个过程的核心之中。
- Amino Acids are the building blocks of muscles and are essential to help create and maintain positive nitrogen balance, which is important for new muscle growth. 氨基酸是组成部分的肌肉和是至关重要的,以帮助创造和维持正氮平衡,这是非常重要的新的肌肉的生长。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Lack of food may stunt the growth. 缺乏食物可能妨碍发育。
- The party's political muscle is growing. 该党的政治力量在增强。
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。