- municipal competitive power 城市竞争力
- However the price still lacked the absolute competitive power. 不过价格仍然缺乏绝对的竞争力。
- This paper expounds how to cultivate enterprise's kernel competitive power. 文章阐述了如何培育企业的核心竞争力。
- Then, Haire v77 and the v78 t card backup appeared has the competitive power! 如此一来,海尔v77和v78的t卡备份就显得非常具有竞争力了!
- Knowledge is the precondition of profession competitive power, and competitive power is transformed from knowledge. 知识是职业竞争能力的前提条件,竞争能力是由知识转化而来的。
- It is urgent to expedite the enhancement of competitive power in Chinese retailing firms. 摘要加快提高我国目前零售企业的竞争力十分迫切。
- As the integrant of modernize services, the development of creative industry has important strategy significance on city competitive power of Shanghai. 创意产业作为现代服务业的组成部分,它的发展对提高上海城市的综合竞争力具有重要的战略意义。
- The billing system is the core competitive power of the telecommunication business. 电信业务的计费系统是电信运营商的核心竞争力之一。
- The purpose of research on water culture is to raise the competitive power of waterfront cities. 研究水文化建设的目的是为了更好地提升滨水城市的竞争力。
- Speaking of the parents: You are maturer, are self-confident, and has enters the apex university's competitive power. 对父母而言:你更加成熟、自信,并具备进入顶尖大学的竞争力。
- In order to improve competitive power in market, developing and applying mould CAD/CAM system is inevitable. 为了提高市场竞争力,规划与实施模具CAD/CAM已成为国内建筑电气企业寻求发展的必经之路。
- Through technical renovation,a great number of the important enterprises shall be enabled to further improve their competitive power on market. 通过技术改造,使一大批重点企业进一步提高市场竞争能力。
- Study on Informatization and the Growth of Competitive Power of Enterprises--How does informatization changes the competitive power of enterprises? 信息化与企业竞争力发展研究--信息化如何改变企业竞争力?
- A nation without culture is one without soul, a state without culture is one without hope, and a city without culture is one without competitive power. 一个没有文化的民族,是一个没有灵魂的民族;一个没有文化的国家,是一个没有希望的国家;一个没有文化的城市,是一个没有竞争力的城市。
- Furthermore,our company also possesses modernized management system and allround after-sales service network,accordingly has great competitive power in the market. 公司拥有现代化的管理体系和全方位的售后服务网络,在轴承市场上拥有很强的竞争力。
- Through technical renovation, a great number of the important enterprises shall be enabled to further improve their competitive power on market. 通过技术改造,使一大批重点企业进一步提高市场竞争能力。
- It can enhance the cohesiveness of the corporate,build up favorable corporate identity and improve the competitive power of the corporate. 建设绿色企业文化,有利于增强企业员工的凝聚力,树立良好的企业形象,提高企业竞争力。
- If we can solve the relationship between technology assimilation and innovation better,it will contribute to the raise of textile's competitive power. 若能更好解决引进技术消化与创新的关系,将有助于纺织产业竞争力的提高。
- On this basis, the unascertained measure model is introduced in the process of comprehensive evaluation for each city's industry competitive power. 在此基础上引入未确知测度模型,对河北省各市的工业竞争力进行综合评价。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。