- Retrieving TSM Concentration From Multispectral Satellite Data by Multiple Regression and Artificial Neural Networks 用多元回归和人工神经网络根据多波段卫星数据反演TSM浓度
- multispectral satellite data 多谱卫星数据
- Other geological efforts require similar computing power, such as designing systems to predict earthquakes and designing multispectral satellite imaging systems for security work. 其他地理学方面的研究也需要类似的计算能力,例如用来预测地震的系统,用于安全性工作的多谱段卫星成像系统。
- Analysing Environmental Trends Using Satellite Data: Selected Cases? 利用卫星数据分析环境趋势:精选实例?
- Our satellite data is being relayed to the drone pilot through a workstation here. 我们的卫星数据经由这里的工作站 传递给了无人驾驶飞机
- Britain has released satellite data to buttress its case that the personnel were in Iraqi waters. 而英国则发布了卫星资料以证明他的士兵是在伊拉克水域。
- With the satellite data of NOAA (AVHRR), we make analysis of the oil spill induced by tankers of "ARTEAGA" and "TASMAN SEA". 使用NOAA卫星数据(AVHRR)同时对“阿提哥”号和“塔斯曼海”号溢油事件做出分析和研究。
- A Night-Rain Delineation Algorithm for Infrared Satellite Data Based on Microphysical Considerations. 基于微物理原理从红外卫星资料推导夜间降水的图解算法。
- Size Distributions and Dynamical Properties of Shallow Cumulus Clouds from Aircraft Observations and Satellite Data. 从飞机观测和卫星资料得到的浅积云的尺度分布和动力属性。
- The Hong Kong Observatory uses satellite data in the former format to generate the above satellite images. 香港天文台现正利用前一类格式的卫星数据制作以上的云图。
- The impact of climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula is evident in new satellite data, US researchers say. 美国研究者表示,卫星传回的新数据显示,南极半岛的气候变化带来了显著的影响。
- The research result indicates that ASTER satellite data embodies a good many advantages. 研究表明ASTER卫星镶嵌数据体现了诸多优势。
- Using IDL procedures to read the HDF file format stored in the satellite data, and displays the image. 利用IDL程序读取以HDF文件格式存放的卫星数据资料,并显示为图像。
- That means satellite data can be used to predict epidemics without having to collect any flies on the ground. 这些意味着人造卫星数据可以用于预测大流感,而不必在地上收集任何苍蝇。
- Satellite data also confirmed that the bulls stay put, never venturing far from where the team caught them. 卫星数据也确认这些牛鲨停留在原地,从不冒险远离小组捕捉到它们的地方。
- Satellite data are also processed to locate regions appearing as red spots with higher temperatures to indicate where hill fire may have occurred. 经处理后的卫星数据可显示高温的地区,藉此指出可能发生山火的地方。
- The satellite image, which was captured by EOS AQUA satellite. This was generated by combining the satellite data from channels 1, 3 and 4. 这幅是EOS AQUA卫星所拍摄到的真彩图像,是由第1 3及4频道所合成的。
- Satellite Data Assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction Models. Part I: Forward Radiative Transfer and Jacobian Modeling in Cloudy Atmospheres. 数值预报模式中卫星资料同化,第一部分:有云大气中的向前辐射传输和雅可比模。
- The time of the satellite image represents the time when satellite data are completely received at the ground reception system. 卫星云图时间为地面接收系统完成接收卫星数据的时间。
- As the tractor moves across fields, it receives satellite data on its precise location, soil composition, water levels, infestations, and other crucial factors. 当拖拉机在田间工作时,将会收到卫星传来的数据,告知其精确位置、当地土壤成分、水位、虫害及其他重要因素。