- Use the String data type to hold multiple characters without the array management overhead of Char(), an array of Char elements. 可使用String数据类型存储多个字符,这不会产生Char()(Char元素的数组)的数组管理开销。
- Pasting a single character from the clipboard to an edit box did not work (multiple characters did). 通过键盘输入单个字母到编辑框内无效(可输入多个字母)
- Through some examples, the paper shows that the Turing machine which scans multiple characters is equivalent to a Turing machine scanning one character. 该方法简便且有效,通过实例证明了扫描多个符号的图灵机与扫描一个符号的图灵机是等价的。
- The characters in this novel are rather overdrawn. 这本小说中的人物描写得有些夸张。
- Fables often have animals as the main characters. 寓言常以动物为主角。
- Currently the latest version of BACnet protocol(ANSI /ASHRAE Standard135-2001)and its annexes do not support multiple character sets. 目前BACnet协议标准的最新版本(ANSI/ASHRAEStandard135-2001)及其附件还不支持多字符集。
- Two suspicious characters were brought in. 逮捕了两名嫌疑犯。
- Then, comparisons are made by covariance analysis on each character individually by sexes and regions; and then a multiple characters comparison is made by canonical multivariate analysis. 再以正准多变值统计分析法求各个海域标本,在空间分布上所占有的相对位置,以判定异同程度。
- Of course, any such operation presupposes the existence of a font covering multiple character sets or enough information to render a complex font to the screen. 当然,任何这种操作都假定了一个先决条件:有一个包括了多种字符集的字体存在,或者有足够多的信息,足以在屏幕上呈现复合的字体。
- Functions that take multiple character string inputs and return a character string use the rules of collation precedence to set the collation of the output string. 使用多个字符串输入并返回字符串的函数,使用排序规则的优先顺序规则设置输出字符串的排序规则。
- Jealousy is a strange transformer of characters. 忌妒是改变性格的奇怪因素。
- Dickens portrayed his characters to the life. 狄更斯把他笔下的人物描绘得栩栩如生。
- Do not mix with vile characters. 不要与卑鄙的人交往。
- They are the two main characters in the play. 他们是该剧中的两个主角。
- The story has several cardboard characters. 这个故事里有好几个虚构的人物。
- A novelist creates characters and a plot. 小说家塑造人物并设计作品的情节。
- All the characters in this book are imaginary. 这本书中的人物都是虚构的。
- Their characters just don't mesh. 他们的性格就是合不来。
- All the places and characters in my novel are entirely fictitious. 我这篇小说中所有的地点和人物都是虚构的。
- I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the film. 我对这部影片里的任何角色都难以认同。