- The revolutionary Bulova's Accturon movement was inveted in 1960,witch high frequency tuning fork replacing the traditional balance wheel to improve accuracy. 1960年推出全球首个电磁式音叉机芯,以音叉震动的高频率取代摆轮,提高腕表的准确度,带领制表科技进入新境界,成为品牌的得意杰作。
- frequency tuning fork 频率音叉
- This is measured by a tuning fork. 可通过音叉进行检查。
- After a performance of The Tuning Fork by Roth,. 经过性能的音叉的罗斯。
- A tuning fork transmits sound waves through the air. 音叉通过空气传播声音。
- Make yourself a tuning fork, resonating with and vibrating along God's frequency. 让你自已成为一个音叉,感应到神的频率,并与神的频率一起振动(共振)。
- A tuning fork transmits sound waves through the air . 音叉通过空气传播声音。
- Let me test your hearing ability with a tuning fork. 让我用音叉测试一下您的听力。
- If hearing loss is suspected, perform a tuning fork test. 如疑有听力丧失,可进行音叉测试。
- If hearing lo is su ected, perform a tuning fork test. 如疑有听力丧失,可进行音叉测试。
- Much like a tuning fork, the human species attunes to the thoughts of spirit. 就象一只音叉,人类物种调协到灵性层的思想。
- Tuning fork technology validated by customers in diversity of applications. 音叉技术----已经多种应用领域广泛验证
- Thus, when the first tuning fork is struck then placed into proximity of the second one, the second now begins to vibrate at its own frequency, and the third also being in the correct position will also begin vibrating at its own frequency pattern. 这样,当敲击第一个音叉时候把它靠近第二个音叉,第二个音叉现在就会以它自己固有的频率振动,而同样第三个音叉放在合适的位置上也会以它自己的频率模式振动。
- A new-style audio remote tripper is presented,which adopts DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency)technology. 提出了一种新型的、用双音频编码实现的音频远方跳闸装置。
- The tuning circuit is improved from voltage-controlled filter (VCF) frequency tuning circuit. 这个调协电路是改善自电压控制滤波器频率调协电路。
- As a design method, frequency tuning approach (FTA) was suggested to be used first to avoid critical frequency ranges. 建议人行桥梁设计时应首先采用频率调整法,使结构自振频率尽量不落在敏感频率范围内。
- A way to measuring the vector miss distance using echo signal from Multiple Frequency CW-Tracking Radar is described in this paper. 本文详细介绍了利用多频连续波测量雷达回波信号进行脱靶量测量的方法。
- The nature of the wave motion in sound can be made clear by considering the tuning fork. 对于音叉的考查可以使我们清楚地理解声波波动的本质。
- A responsive multiple frequency ranging system is designed by utilizing digital phase discrimination,based on FFT,and phase double principle. 利用基于FFT的数字鉴相方法和自乘倍相原理设计了一种应答式侧音测距系统。