- multiple stage process 多步式翻译程序
- Multiple stages temperature control design. 多段式控温设计。
- The influence that recombines pair of IDC industries will be the releases stage by stage process with a longer need. 重组对IDC产业的影响将会是一个需要较长时间的逐步释放的过程。
- Multiple stage tax A tax which has more than one rate such as income tax in most countries. 多档征税制有一个以上税率的税种,如大多国家征收的所得税。
- On multiple pass and multiple stage driers, the bed conveyors are interlocked in reverse sequence. 注意3:对于多程多级干燥机而言,烘干床正向传送带与反向传送带属于连锁装置。
- Always remember that dating is a stage by stage process and nothing rarely happens instantly. Therefore the first date was exactly that with hopefully many more to follow. 始终记住约会是一个逐步渐进的过程,没有任何事情会瞬即发生。所以第一次约会其实是期待以后更多此约会发展的前提。
- It is comprised of multiple stage centrifugal pump,double stage gas separator, protector,submersible motor,guard shield and setting gas separator. 它主要由多级离心泵、双级分离器、保护器、潜油电机、护罩、沉降分离器组成。
- The optimization was formulated as a multiple stage optimal control problem and solved by a forward and backward iteration cycle. 利用多阶段系统优化控制理论,整个最优化问题通过一个向前和向后的迭代循环解决。
- Career development at Churchman Business School is composed of multiple stages. 职业发展由五个阶段组成。
- The said energy storing water tank consists of warm water storage tank of multiple stage heating and hot water storage tank, in parallel connection with multi-stage confluent water-heating tank. 所述的储能水箱是一个以上的水箱,储能水箱包括分级加热式温水储热水箱及终温储热水箱,分级加热式汇流热水箱与分级加热式温水储热水箱及终温储热水箱间的连接是并联连接。
- Staging Process of covering bare metal, to protect lines or dots from being etched, in making of photoengraving and gravure cylinder.See Stopping out. 防蚀处理制电版或照相凹版时,作保护金属表面,防止网点或线条被腐蚀的工作。参阅下文。
- The lost weight and DTG peak point of the two stage processes changed with the different proportions of TEGDN and NG. 两步分解过程的失重量和最快失重温度点随配方中TEGDN和NG质量比的不同而有差异;
- Through multiple stage ion exchange technology, Maxwell fish eye microspheric lens of high quality could be produced, which has a promising practical application in micro optics and integrated optics. 采用复合结构及多阶段离子交换工艺可制备出优质的麦克斯韦鱼眼球透镜,在微小光学和集成光学具有诱人的应用前景。
- Vertex Shader Stage - The vertex shader stage processes vertices, typically performing operations such as transformations, skinning, and lighting. VS阶段-VS阶段处理顶点,做坐标变换,表面细节和逐顶点光照计算。
- Following that, the multiple stages and multiple preferences are aggregated into the group preference. 根据各决策阶段的权重,将多阶段判断偏好集结成群体综合偏好。
- That verse addresses the believers, exhorting them to believe, implying multiple stages of belief. 长期声明:本人除灌水外所发表的帖子均来自别人的杰作!
- Similarly, tests with multiple stages can be classified into the three OOT alert levels, but this task is much more challenging and less straightforward. 同样,多阶段检测也可分为三种OOT警戒水平,但是这项任务太具有挑战性,不是那么简单。
- Myeloperoxidase is a central inflammatory enzyme secreted by activated macrophages and is involved in multiple stages of plaque destabilization and patient outcome. 髓过氧化酶是一种重要的炎性酶,由活化的巨噬细胞分泌,涉及斑块脱稳定化的多个阶段,和患者的最终结局有关。
- SSF assessment, Four stage process model assessment; 自杀评估理论中的SSF评估、四阶段过程模式;
- There are many spotlights on the stage. 舞台上有很多聚光灯。