- multiple selective reflection 多次选择反射
- Using the dynamical reflexion theory,the selective reflection characters of cholesteric liquid crystals are analyzed. 利用动态反射法对手性液晶材料的选择性反射特性进行了分析。
- Renders list items in a list box with multiple selection capability. 在具有多重选择功能的列表框中呈现列表项。
- Renders list items with check boxes and multiple selection capability. 呈现带有复选框和多重选择功能的列表项。
- A field in the filter area can support either single or multiple selection. 筛选区域中的字段可支持单个选定内容或多个选定内容。
- When objects can scroll off the screen, multiple selection requires a better, more distinct idiom. 当对象滚动出屏幕,多重选择需要更好更独特的习惯用法。
- This check box alternative to multiple selection is called earmarking, an example of which is shown in Figure 21-12. 这种采用了复选框的多项选择的方法称为“做记号”,图21-12所示是一个例子。
- The selection idiom in list controls is very well suited for single selection but much weaker for multiple selection. 列表控件中的选择习惯用法非常适合单一选择,但对于多重选择就相对不太适合了。
- To specify locations for files or to get the actual name of the input file in the case of multiple selections. 指定文件的位置,或者在多重选择的情况下获取输入文件的实际名称。
- If the control is in multiple selection mode, this property returns the index of the first selected item. 如果控件处于多重选择模式下,则此属性返回第一个选择项的索引。
- If the control supports multiple selection, you can set Selected property for each item to be selected. 如果控件支持多重选择,可以设置要选择的每个项的Selected属性。
- Keywords cholesteric liquid crystals;selective reflection;dynamical reflexion; 手性液晶;选择性反射;动态反射;
- When a multiple selection is combined, the formatting of the primary selection is applied to the new shape. 当多个选定内容组合在一起时,主选定内容的格式设置将应用于新的形状。
- For multiple selections: PC users - hold down the CTRL key; Mac users - hold down the APPLE key. 如果需要选择多个项目:一般电脑使用者按着CTRL键选择;苹果电脑使用者按着APPLE键选择.
- Keywords Cholesteric liquid crystal;Selective reflection;Swelling ratio; 胆甾型液晶;乙基氰乙基纤维素;选择性反射;溶胀率;
- You can use any of these macros to specify locations for files, or to get the actual name of the input file in the case of multiple selections. 可以使用以下任意宏来指定文件位置,或在存在多重选择的情况下获取输入文件的实际名称。
- This rule does not depend on whether the container allows single or multiple selections, or on what method was used to change the selection. 此规则与容器是否允许单选或多选无关,也与使用哪个方法更改选择的内容无关。
- In general, the multiple selection of discrete objects works adequately if the entire playing field is visible at once, like the icons on a desktop. 一般来说,如果同时可以看到当前的整个区域,选择多个离散对象是可以的,就像桌面上的图标一样;
- When the need arises to discard mutual exclusivity in order to provide multiple selection, things can become confusing if some of the items can be scrolled out of sight. 当为了提供多重选择而需要抛弃相互排斥性时,如果有些条目会被滚出屏幕外,事情就会变得更加复杂起来。
- She is selective in the dresses she wears. 她对于自己穿的衣服精挑细选。