- Multiple Random Variables, Bivariate Distribution, Marginal Distribution, Conditional Distribution, Independence, Multivariate Distribution 章节4.3 3多随机变量,双变量分布,边际分布,条件分布,独立性,多变县分布
- multiple random variables 多维随机变量
- A time series data set is a sequence of random variables indexed by time. 时间序列数据是以时间为指标的一个随机变量序列。
- An estimator is a random variable. 估计量是一个随机变量。
- In this paper, it is proved that two random variables' independence can infer their no-correlation and its untenable inverse proposition. 本文证明了由两随机变量的独立性可推出它们的不相关性,但逆命题不成立。
- The expected value of a random variable. 期望值随意可。
- The formula for empirical frequency correlation coefficient between two random variables is demon -strated. 导出了两随机变量的频率相关系教的公式。
- The Distribution of Quotient of Beta,Gamma Random Variables and Its Applications. Beta,Gamma随机变量之商的分布及其应用
- The problem of inconsistency of basic random variables between different failure modes was resolved. 解决了不同失效模式间基本随机变量不一致的问题;
- Sample Percentage Presentation of Joint Probability Density of Two Random Variables. 二维随机变数联合机率密度之取样百分比。
- In the first chapter,the relative background of PA random variables sequences is given. 第一章是绪论,主要介绍了PA随机变量序列的背景。
- In the following two chapters the resultes of PA random variables sequences are obtained. 第三、四章是本文的主体,得到了有关PA随机变量序列的结果。
- The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to compute expected values for continuous and discrete random variables. 西格玛黑带应能计算出连续或离散随机变量的期望值。
- Otherwise, the paper also discussed the same question of Cauchy random variables and got the result as theorem 1.2. 另外,本文考虑了柯西向量二次型分布同样的问题,并相应得到的两个不等式(定理1.;2)。
- YU Hao.Complete convergence for independent random variables [J ].Chinese J Appl Prabab Statist,1989, 5(2): 105-115. [5]于浩.;独立随机变量的完全收敛性[J]
- Key words Tail probabilities of sums of i.i.d. random variables, the law of the logarithm, strong approximation. 本刊中 包含“独立随机变量和的尾概率; 对数律; 强逼近.
- In the paper, we derived several of theorems concerning the strong law of large numbers for sequence of complex independent random variables. 得到复值独立随机变量序列的几个强大数定理.
- The random-fuzzy reliability model was built by taking the bar length, interception parameters as random variables and taking the fuzziness of safety state into consideration. 摘要将弹性连杆机构的杆长、截面尺寸均视为随机变量,并考虑机构安全的极限状态的模糊性,建立了弹性连杆机构广义刚度可靠性分析模型。
- The paper discuss the upper bound of the distribution of the partial sums of identically distributed mixing random variables. 摘要本文讨论了同分布混合序列部分和分布函数的上界及其应用。
- Through almost sure convergence of random variables, the probability convergence can be derived; and further the weak convergence can be derived. 摘要由随机变量序列几乎处处收敛可推出其依概率收敛,进而可推出其依分布收敛,可见判别几乎处处收敛的重要性。