- The Multiple Intelligence Theory put forward by Dr. Garner is a full doctrine on human being's cognition. 加德纳提出的多元智能理论是关于人类认知范畴最完整的论述。
- Lazear, David . Multiple Intelligence Approaches to Assessment. Zephyr Press,1999. 翻译本:郭俊贤、陈淑惠译。落实多元智慧教学评量.;台北:远流出版社,2000
- In the light of multiple intelligence theory,everyone is an organism of many aptitudes. “多元智力理论”则认为:每一个正常的人都是具有多种智能的有机体。
- Our practice and research in the Multiple Intelligence Program will benefit the multiple development of every child'intelligence. 多元智能课程的研究,使之利于每一位幼儿智能的多元开发与发展。
- LEAP knows that every child is unique and caters to this through small class sizes and multiple intelligence teaching methods. LEAP以为,每一个孩子都是唯一无二的,所以,他们在这种小规模班组里、以及多样化的智力培养教学方法下,能更好地投进到学习当中往。
- "A" is for acknowledging or apprecitaing your value as a person, gifted with endowments of self-awareness, creative imagination, conscience, independence, will and multiple intelligence. 代表认识或意识到你作为人的价值。上天赋予你自我意识,创造性想象力、良知、独立、意志和各种才智。
- A school-based reading program with a wide variety of purposeful learning activities to build up students' reading habits, reading comprehension skills, multiple intelligence and generic skills. 校本阅读计划将透过不同的读材,培养学生阅读兴趣和技巧,同时发展学生的多元智能和共通能力等。
- This paper studies the application of multiple intelligence theory in sports curricular development and endeavors to set up a multiple curricular system suitable for the students of different levels. 对多元智能理论在体育课程开发中的运用进行了研究,构建了一套适合于不同学生潜能发展的多元、多层级、开放、发展性的体育课程体系。
- Harvard Gardner believes that everyone has multiple intelligence, and there lies differences both among the intelligence themselves within one person as well as between different individuals. 摘要加德纳教授认为人在实际生活中所表现出来的智能是多种多样的,智能具有差异性,既有个体间差异,也有个体内部的差异;
- Many primary schools around the world, like Qiyi in America, Yage in Taiwan and Baposa Chinese-Portugal School in Macao, are trying Multiple Intelligence Theory to direct their teaching practice. 多元智能理论确认了音乐是人类智力的一种存在形式,认为音乐智力在人类个体天赋中是最早出现的,但音乐天赋要得到正常发展。
- Multiple Intelligences Theory, which was raised by Howard Gardner, has become a very influential theory on intelligence recently. 霍华德·加德纳的多元智力理论是近年来影响较大的关于智力发展的理论。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- What's the Educational Implications of Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences? 加德纳多元智能理论对教育的意义到底何在?
- It is my confident prediction that more and more people will become interested in developing their Multiple Intelligences. 我很自信地预言,越来越多的人会对他们的多元智能感兴趣。
- Lazear D.Eight Ways of Knowing:Teaching for Multiple Intelligences[M].Arlington Heights:Skylight Training and Publishing,1999(a),Thrid Edition. 加德纳H.创造心灵:七位大师的创造力剖析[M].林佩芝译.牛顿出版公司,1997.
- The boy evinces great intelligence. 这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。
- The course mingles both music and arts, it can strengthen and further enhance the children’s creativity and multiple intelligences. 课程结合音乐及艺术,加强他们的创造力,发挥多元智能的果效。
- This paper argues that The Theory of Multiple Intelligences makes great contribution to Multicultural Education both philosophically and practically. 摘要多元智力理论关于智力具有文化性的观点为多元文化教育提供了新的理论依据;
- She's not lacking in intelligence. 她并不缺乏学识。
- Evaluate the development potential of the Eight Intelligences based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. 根据多元智能理论,分析八大智能发展潜能。