- multiple copy mode 连续复印状态
- Thin paper usually used to make multiple copies. 复写纸,打字纸复写用的薄纸
- Abstract:The genetic diversity of 238 cultivated rice and its difference between landraces and modern cultivars have been assayed using a multiple copy microsatellite DNA marker. 摘要用一个多拷贝微卫星DNA标记分析了238份栽培水稻的遗传多样性及遗传多样性从农家品种到现代栽培品种的动态变化。
- Printing multiple copies on a page is called imposition. 在一个页面上打印多个副本称作拼版。
- Depending on the copy mode and the selection mode, header values for the copied rows and columns may be copied, as well. 根据复制模式和选择模式,还可能会复制所复制行和列的标题值。
- Each copy of the virus can make multiple copies of itself and can infect any program to which it has access. 病毒的每一次复制,就会导致病毒本身的多次复制,并且使它曾访问过的任一程序受到感染。
- It is usually best to create multiple copies of the backup, and to store one copy locally. 通常最好是创建备份的多个副本,并在本地存储其中一个副本。
- The feature results in the. Mdf file being fully portable: you can copy and move the file, and simultaneously run multiple copies of the file on the same instance. 使用该功能可完全移植.;mdf文件:您可以复制和移动文件;并可在同一实例中同时运行文件的多个副本。
- When requesting multiple copies, the first copy will print.The remaining copies will be held on the printer until you release them via the printer's control panel. 请求多份文件时,第一份将得到打印。剩下的份数将保留在打印机上,直到您通过打印机的控制面板将其释放。
- It was thought earlier that multiple copies of no more than a few different proteins make up the protein "coat" of the ribosome. 人们以前认为组成核蛋白体蛋白质“外壳”的只不过是几个不同蛋白质的重复拷贝。
- CSCL system involves 4 modes of operation: concentrating mode,copying mode,distributing mode,and mixing mode. CSCL系统的内部工作有4种模式:集中模式、复制模式、分布模式和混合模式,美国的望景楼学习系统演绎了这些模式。
- Multiple copy simultaneous search 多拷贝同时搜寻
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- In the Small Publication Print Options dialog box, select Print multiple copies per sheet. 在“小型出版物打印选项”对话框中,选择“每版打印多份”。
- These solutions typically submit multiple copies of a sub-job to different nodes within the grid. 这些解决方案通常会将一个子任务的多个拷贝提交到网格中的不同节点上。
- Working with small-sized publications that are designed to print multiple copies per sheet can be somewhat tricky. 在使用那些设计为每版打印多份小型出版物时可能需要一些技巧。
- He asked me to copy out the poems from that book. 他要我把那本书里的诗抄出来或用打字机打下来。
- Property to determine if your printer supports printing multiple copies at a time, because some printers do not. 属性设置为要打印的份数。由于某些打印机并不支持一次打印多份,因此请使用。
- The picture now showing is a new copy. 现在上映的电影是个新拷贝。
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 这是原画还是模本?