- I visited a few campuses when I was in America. 我在美国时访问了几所大学。
- He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。
- Friendship multiple joy and divide grieve. 朋友之间,欢乐同享,苦难同当。
- We use the hall for multiple purposes. 这个大厅我们派多种用途。
- multiple campuses 多校区
- A multiple crash can often be seen on that motorway. 那条公路上的联环撞车事故很多。
- Campuses in Watford and Hertford will close. 赫特福德郡是英国治安最好的地区之一。
- Many campuses provide opportunity to earn money. 许多校园都提供了赚钱机会。
- Other campuses are studying similar moves. 其他学校也在效仿这种做法。
- A multiple of the basic number of chromosomes in a cell. 倍数性一个细胞中染色体基本数目的倍数
- You should use dialogues for multiple purposes. 你应使用多种目的的对话。
- The sources of his power are multiple. 他权力的源泉是多方面的。
- Multiple IPs (Can I login from different computers? 多线程IP(我能在不同的电脑上登录么?
- Do Australian institutions have campuses in my own country? 澳大利亚的院校是否在我的国家设有分校?
- Many American campuses offer ESOL courses for foreign students. 许多美国校园为外国学生开设ESOL课程。
- There are two campuses, located in Hobart and Launceston. 学校有两个主校园,分别位于霍巴特和朗塞思顿。
- His multiple achievements in public life. 他在公众生活中的广泛成就。
- Strife on college campuses helped change the attitude of the nation. 高校间的竞争有助于改变国家的态度。
- She suffered multiple lacerations to the face. 她的面部多处被划伤。
- Blockades of factories and university campuses are common. 封锁工厂及大学校园是很正常的事。