- multiplasmid superbug 多质粒超级菌
- Genevieve was infected with a superbug that had developed resistance to all child-approved antibiotics. 吉娜薇感染了一种超级病菌,该病菌对所有准许儿童使用的抗生素都有抗药性。
- Popularly known as a "superbug," MRSA accounts for more than 40 percent of in-hospital blood infections in Britain. 在英国,MRSA这个超级细菌导致了超过40%25的院内血液感染。
- They compared 35 people with NT-MRSA with 76 people carrying other strains of the superbug. 他们研究比较了35位NT-MRSA携带者和76位其他菌株超级病毒的携带者。
- It's no wonder, then, that the Public Health Agency of Canada has taken on the superbug as a priority. 难怪现在加拿大公共卫生署把超级病菌作为重点考虑对象。
- In the new study researchers tested five cannabinoid marijuana ingredients against the superbug MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. 在这次新研究中,研究者们测试了大麻中五种化学成分对超级细菌MRSA,即甲氧西林耐药金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用。
- This superbug can cause life-threatening and disfiguring infections and can often only be treated with expensive, intravenous antibiotics. 这个超级细菌可能致命及毁坏性感染,并且常常只能静脉用昂贵的抗生素才能治愈。
- Stamford Hospital in Connecticut recently banned wearing of scrubs outside the hospital, given the surge in C. diff. cases, a new superbug threat. 由于猛增的艰难梭菌病例-一种新的Superbug威胁,康涅狄格州的斯坦福医院近期禁止在医院外穿着消毒外套。
- Because this superbug is difficult to kill with antibiotics, household cleaners, and antibacterial soaps, the incidents of infection are on the rise. 由于这种超级菌用抗生素、家用清洁剂和抗菌皂难于杀死,因此感染事件正呈增长之势。
- When she acquired the superbug in 2006 after surviving half a dozen operations for flesh-eating disease, she was rendered a paraplegic. 当她在2006年感染上这个病菌,经过6 个手术后幸存,她现在截瘫。
- The number of cases of persons infected with this strain of superbug isn’t at epidemic proportions, but the significant increase is cause for some concern. 目前感染这种超级菌的病例数还未达到大规模流行的程度,但其显著的增长已引起一些担忧。
- After analyzing Genevieve's ear fluid, her doctor discovered the reason: Genevieve was infected with a superbug that had developed resistance to all child-approved antibiotics. 医生分析吉娜薇的耳水后,找到了原因:吉娜薇感染了一种超级病菌,该病菌对所有准许儿童使用的抗生素都有抗药性。
- A cure for MRSA appears to be within grasp after scientists claimed to have developed a drug that destroys the most virulent strains of the deadly superbug. 一种新的对付MRSA(一种对抗生素有极强抗药性的金黄葡萄状球菌,是医院内主要的感染源)的方法即将成功。科学家宣称已经研发了一种新的药物可以摧毁这种致命的超级细菌。
- But the superbug MRSA, isolated in 6% of offices, was found more often in men's offices on the phone, computer mouse, desktop and the bottom of desk drawers. 但在6%25的办公室中发现的超级病菌葡萄球菌则更多出现于男性的办公室中,主要是在电话、电脑鼠标、电脑和抽屉的底部。
- The superbug is some kind of antibiotic_resistant germ,that immumes to approximately all the antibiotics.That is due to the overuse of the antibiotics in part. 在19世纪40年代,抗生素被发现时,使得人们的医疗方式发生了革命性的变化,更使得先前的一些致命疾病的治疗获得了更多的成功。
- Doctors have found that treating the germ, now being called a superbug, with antibiotics is killing other possibly less harmful bacteria and leaving the dangerous Clostridium difficile germ. 医生们发现,用抗生素来治疗这种现在被称为超级菌的病菌时,会杀死其他可能危害小的细菌,而留下这种危险的艰难梭状芽胞杆菌。
- Sexually active gay men are many times more likely than others to acquire a new, highlyantibiotic-resistant strain of the so-called MRSA bacteria widely know as the "superbug," a UCSFledstudy shows. 加州大学旧金山分校的研究表示,性活动频繁的男同性恋者是其他人可能感染一种新的、高度抗药性菌株的许多倍,这种菌株被称作MRSA,是一种广为人知的超级菌株。
- Repeated exposure to low doses of Tea Tree Oil a common ingredient in many beauty products can increase the chances of suffering from "superbug" infections, Uniersity of Ulster scientists hae reealed. 据Ulster大学科学家们称,重复性暴露在低剂量的茶树油(很多美容产品中的共有成分)会增加“超级病菌”感染的发生率。
- multiplasmid 多质粒
- superbugn. 超级细菌