- non-representable multipartite matroids 不可表示的多部拟阵
- multipartite matroids 多部拟阵
- Why can the multipartite mediation work? 为什么会产生大调解?
- Remote preparation of multipartite pure state[J]. 引用该论文 王子峰;张文海;叶柳.
- The first chapter: Survey on multipartite mediation mechanism. 第一章:大调解机制概况。
- The chromaticity of certain complete multipartite graphs. 期刊论文 赵海兴;李学良;刘儒英;冶成福;
- GOETSCHEL R,VOXMAN W.Fuzzy matroids[J].Fuzzy Sets and Systems,1988,27:291-302. 吴德垠.;闭正规模糊拟阵的模糊基集特征[J]
- The system of “Docking litigation and conciliation” is named from The multipartite mediation of NanTong . “诉调对接”机制最早是由实务部门提出,起源于南通的大调解机制。
- Some characteristics of fuzzy dual matroids are discussed according to the concept of fuzzy dual matroid given by Goetschel R. 模糊拟阵是将“模糊”概念引入拟阵理论而开创的一种新的模糊系统。
- The second chapter: background and reason analysis of multipartite mediation mechanism. 第二章:大调解机制的产生背景及原因分析。
- Moreover, based on these, some relations between matroid and antimatroid are discussed here. 在此基础上,讨论了拟阵与反反拟阵之间的一些关系。
- The third chapter: analysis on present situation of multipartite mediation mechanism . 第三章:大调解机制的运行现状分析。
- Graph theory and matroid theory have witnessed an unprecedented growth in the twentieth century. 图论和拟阵理论在二十世纪经历了空前的发展。
- G-designs of complete multipartite graph with G has five points-four edges or five points-five edges is studied. 摘要讨论了完全多部图的G设计的存在性,其中G是五点四边图和五点五边图。
- It is proved that a central essential arrangement is irreducible if, and only if, the matroid is connected. 对超平面中心构形 构造了拟阵 ,在超平面构形和拟阵之间建立了对应关系。
- By generalizing the idea of crisp matroid sums to fuzzy matroid, the fuzzy matroid sum is defined. 通过将传统拟阵理论中和的概念推广到模糊拟阵,给出了模糊拟阵的和的定义。
- Third, the multipartite mediation mechanism itself has the unique superiority, which can meet the realistic need to resolve dispute effectively. 第三,大调解机制本身具有独特的优势,使其适应了有效解决纠纷的现实需要。
- First, complicated social dispute in the reforming time is the social background of the multipartite mediation mechanism. 首先,转型时期社会矛盾纠纷复杂化是大调解机制产生的社会背景;
- Fuzzy matroids is based on matroids, so they have much comparability. We investigate some conditions that fuzzy subsets make up of fuzzy bases to be similar to the base axiom. 摘要模糊拟阵是在一般拟阵的基础上建立起来的,有很多的相似性。文章类似于一般拟阵的基公理讨论模糊集族构成模糊基集所要满足的一些条件。
- In this paper, a concise and alternative average entropy is introduced, which can be used to analyze entanglement of multipartite pure states. 摘要提出了一种简捷直观的多体纠缠纯态纠缠度计算公式并与平均熵的计算结果进行了全面比较。