- Todays digital nomads own tons of multimedia data. 今天数字式游牧人拥有吨多媒体数据。
- Use/Develop a tool to link multimedia data to computer program. 开发一种连接多媒体数据和计算机程序的工具。
- Source filters provide raw multimedia data from a source like a file, a URL, or a live source like a camera. 源筛选器提供来自源的原始多媒体数据,如文件、URL或类似照相机的实时源。
- The network services based on multimedia data put forward higher requirement for QoS (Quality of Service). 基于多媒体数据的网络业务流对服务质量(QoS)提出了更高的要求。
- Vector quantization (VQ) is a popular lossy compression scheme widely used in multimedia data compressions. 矢量量化是一种常用有损压缩技术,被广泛地应用于多媒体数据压缩。
- Supporting NF 2 and multimedia data base system NFMDB is designed from the relational RDBMS and it is an externed DBMS. 支持NF2(Non-first-normal-form)和多媒体的数据库系统NFMDB是在关系数据库RDBMS的基础上研制的,它是一种扩充了的DBMS。
- With the rapid development of multimedia and Web technology,a great deal of multimedia data has become available. 随着多媒体技术和 Web技术的发展 ,出现了大量的多媒体数据。
- UDP is a mainly used transport protocol for multimedia data transport in Internet. UDP是互联网上多媒体数据传输采用的主要传输协议。
- Multimedia streaming is an important mode for multimedia data transport and applications. 摘要流模式是一种重要的多媒体数据传输和应用模式。
- The multimedia coprocessor consists of several modules to accelerate the processing of multimedia data. 多媒体协处理器中包含了多个专用于多媒体处理的功能模块,可以加速多媒体处理的进行。
- The multimedia data communication is one of city urgent rescue command system key technologies. 多媒体数据通信是城市紧急救助指挥系统的关键技术之一。
- The popularity and availability of multimedia data promote digital communication with steganography. 在今日社会中,多媒体资讯的流行及普及性促进了资讯伪装术在数位通讯上的发展。
- Multimedia data mining is the mining of high-level multimedia information and knowledge from large multimedia databases. 多媒体数据采掘是从大型多媒体数据库中提取高层的多媒体信息及知识。
- Multimedia data must be flowing processed in the streaming medium server in order to conduct real-time transmission on Internet. 摘要多媒体数据要在因特网上进行实时的传输,必须先对多媒体数据进行流化处理。
- MPEG-4 is a standard of object-based multimedia data compression and coding, and belongs to the second era content-based moving picture standard. MPEG-4是基于对象的多媒体数据压缩编码国际标准,属于基于内容的第二代活动图像标准。
- Streaming devices, such as audio, DVD, and video devices, and software-only filters for multimedia data streams. You will write a stream minidriver. 流动设备(流媒体),比如音频,DVD和视频设备,以及对于多媒体数据刘的唯一软件过滤(设备)。你要编写一个流迷你设备。
- According to the redundancy in space,time,structure,vision and knowledge,multimedia data such as images,audio frequency,video are compressed by the loss and lossless compression. 针对多媒体数据在空间、时间、结构、视觉、知识等方面所产生的冗余;利用有损压缩和无损压缩方法;对图像、音频、视频等多媒体数据进行压缩;形成联合图像专家组JPEG、运动图像专家组MPEG、H.
- With the popularization of the Internet,the quantity of multimedia information has been increasing. Thus,multimedia data mining draw more attention than ever. Internet的普及使多媒体信息的信息量急剧增大,因而,多媒体数据开采逐渐引起人们的关注。
- Nowadays the content of computer document is no longer the simple textual data, but combines text, graphics, images, voice, and video as the multimedia data. 摘要:现今电脑文件的内容已不再是单纯的文字资料,而是由文字、图形、影像、声音及砚讯等南组合而成的多媒体资料。
- Digital watermarking is a technique that embeds copyright information, such as figures, sequence numbers, words, and image logos and so on, imperceptibly into multimedia data. 数字水印技术就是将数字、序列号、文字、图像标志等版权信息嵌入到多媒体数据中的一种技术,用来跟踪多媒体数据的发布与使用。