- (5) Multiattribute utility theory methods (MAUT). (5)多属性效用理论法。
- multiattribute utility theory 多属性效用理论
- We may begin with an analysis exactly parallel to that of our utility theory. 我们或许可从与我们的效用理论完全相似的分析开始。
- Edwards, W. (1977), “How to Use Multiattribute Utility Measurement for Social Decision Making,” IEEE Transaction on System, Man, Cybernetics, 7, 326-340. 简祯富、萧礼明、王兴仁(2004),建构半导体制造管理目标层级架构与制造资料之资料挖矿,工业工程学刊,21卷4期,页313-327。
- The investment, schedule and quality of a project are taken as variables to construct the multiattribute utility functions of the two sides of a contract. 构造了以工程投资、工期和工程质量为多属性变量的甲乙双方的多属性效用函数。
- Thus, standard consumer utility theory is a special case of the TIG if the role of the equity agent is ignored. 因此,如果不考虑公平动因的作用,标准的消费者效用理论就是TIG理论的一个特例。
- According to the method of history view,the foundation,development and betterment of utility theory are discussed. 采用历史观的方法,对效用理论的创立、发展及改进进行了研究。
- From utility theory and game theory educes user trip route selection demand in both static and dy-namic cases. 运用效用理论和博弈论分别提出了静态条件和动态条件下用户出行路径选择需求。
- Utility theory is important and basic theory and plays an important role in scientific decision. 效用理论作为科学决策的重要基本理论,在决策领域发挥着重要作用。
- New common rightism is a right utility theory that satisfies the reasonable personal utility needs and the reasonable social needs at the same time. 摘要新公权主义是一种在满足合理的社会功利需求的同时,满足正当的个人功利需求的权力功利理论。
- It puts forward prospect theory to modify the expected utility theory and use mental accounting theory to explain money non-fungibility. 并且提出“前景理论”修正了传统的期望效用理论;提出“心理账户”理论解释金钱的“非替代性”;
- According to Expected Utility Theory (EUT), most people will evade taxes by underreporting when detection rate and penalty rate are relatively low. 根据预期效用理论,大部分人会少报所得额、偷逃税款。
- The law of diminishing marginal utility is the foundation of utility theory of microeconomics.There are lots of disputes about it in academia. 摘要边际效用递减规律是微观经济学中效用理论的重要基础,但关于边际效用递减规律是否具有普遍性,当前学术界还存在不少争论。
- Besides, the utility theory model help contractors quantify the bidding criteria and improve decision efficiency in making bidding decision. 效用理论模型在投标报价决策中的应用,有助于对评判指标的量化处理,提高决策效率。
- It also sets up the macroscopic crime administration model with utility theory and analyzes the quantitative convey method of crime by applying Bayes theory. 运用效用理论建立了宏观犯罪管理模型,同时,运用贝叶斯原理分析了犯罪行为的数量表达方法。
- In order to establish the effective evaluating model of the system, the complex multiple attribute utility theory was introduced on the basis of the WSEIAC model. 本文在美国工业界武器系统效能咨询委员会评估武器系统效能模型的基础上,引入了复式效用理论,建立了系统效用评价模型。
- In order to grasp the freeway transport demand,introducing the utility theory into the freeway transport demand projections,authors probed freeway transport demand forecast. 为了把握高速公路的运输需求,引入效用理论对高速公路的运输需求预测进行了探索。
- In the utility theory of labor supply of the neoclassic economic regime,for utility maximization workers have full freedom to choose their working hours. 新古典经济学的效用劳动供给理论隐含假设:工人为实现效用最大化可自由选择工作时间,不受劳动市场制度的影响。
- British economist and logician who codeveloped the marginal utility theory(published1886),which explains the value of goods and services in terms of the subjective valuation of consumers. 杰方兹,威廉·斯坦利1835-1882英国经济学家和逻辑学家。他与人合作发展了边际效益理论(1886年发表),该理论解释了根据消费者主观估价所产生的商品及服务的价值。
- British economist and logician who codeveloped the marginal utility theory(published1886, which explains the value of goods and services in terms of the subjective valuation of consumers. 杰方兹,威廉 斯坦利1835-1882英国经济学家和逻辑学家。他与人合作发展了边际效益理论(1886年发表),该理论解释了根据消费者主观估价所产生的商品及服务的价值