- Its multi-channel function endues the user to program multi points measuring up to 6 channels. 多通道功能---可编程选择多点测量,最多可至6路。
- Its multi-channel function endues the user to program multi points measuring which up to 6 channels. 多通道功能---可编程选择多点测量,最多可至6路。
- The IP transmission of single point to multi point and PPP protocol in this system are discussed in detail. 对于一点对多点的 IP包在系统中的传输和在 ADSL系统中 PPP协议的实现进行了详细的论述
- The demolition of hollow brick structure by multi point air coupling blasting is introduced. 介绍了采用多点空气耦合爆破拆除技术对空心砖结构实施定向爆破。
- Multi point forming (MPF) is a new flexible forming process for three dimensional sheet metal. 多点成形是一种板材三维曲面柔性成形的新技术。
- The interface uses capacitive multi point touch screen technology; Allowing for a truly intuitive experience , which responses only to human contact. 这个界面使用了电容性的多点触摸屏技术;为您提供真正的直觉式体验,就是界面只对人的接触做出反应。
- IBM's bitlevel, transparent line discipline used to control halfduplex,fullduplex, pointtopoint, or multi point communication lines. IBM的一种位级透明通信线路规程,用于控制半双工、全双工、点到点或多点通信线路。
- This framework is able to auto-adapt to the variation of environment and the movement of attack techniques,improves alerts data qualities and reduces false alarms from multi point of view. 该框架可以自动适应环境的变化和攻击技术发展带来的变化,从不同角度减少虚警,提高警报数据质量。
- This paper also introduces some new processes,including hydroforming,aluminum-foam-sandwich technology,hydro-mechanical forming,multi point drawing technique and tailored blanking etc. 亦介绍了液压成形、发泡铝材技术、充液拉深、多点深拉深和拼接技术等新的成形工艺在新型汽车开发中的应用概况。
- Multi point analog telecommunications circuit 多点模拟电信回路
- He hammered home the points he wanted to convey. 他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻。
- I concur with him in many points. 我和他在许多论点上意见是一致的。
- The signpost points in a westerly direction. 路标指向西。
- Everything points to a bright future for us all. 种种迹象表明我们都有光明的前途。
- A series of interconnected points. 一系列相互连接的点。
- Now count up the points you've scored. 现在你把你们得的分加一加。
- I should reckon this among his strong points. 我认为这是他的一个优点。
- Various committee members made interesting points. 许多委员提出了使人关注的意见。
- He still reserved his opinion on some points. 在一些问题上,他仍然保留自己的意见。