- The Zeroth Order Solution of the Velocity Field around Micro Comb Structures with Lateral Oscillation. 后设资料;授权与引用资讯;连结到原始资料网站 ...
- She wore a small comb as an ornament. 她佩戴了一把小梳子作为装饰品。
- The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- A comb for separating flax fibers. 梳麻针排用来分开亚麻纤维的梳子
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。
- The structure had keeled over in the high winds. 那座建筑物让大风给刮倒了。
- A fan-shaped anatomical structure. 扇形器官扇形的解剖结构
- Let me fix my hair (ie brush and comb it) and I'll be ready. 我梳梳头,马上就好。
- A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden. 凉亭一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭
- The microscopic structure of tissue. 组织机构组织的微观结构
- She was trying to comb some useful things out of the tangle. 她正试图从那堆乱糟糟的东西里找出些有用之物。
- We visited the museum, a steel and glass structure. 我们参观了博物馆,它是一座钢和玻璃的建筑物。
- We know a lot about the structure of genes now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- She swept her hair back with a comb. 她用梳子将头发往后梳。
- The Parthenon is a magnificent structure. 帕台农神庙是一座宏伟的建筑物。
- The structure of the sentence is strange. 这个句子的结构很奇怪。
- The backbone is an articulate structure. 脊椎骨是一种关节相连的结构。
- Don't forget to comb your hair before you go out! 不要忘记临出门梳梳头!
- Turn the mode dial to select multi exposure mode. 把模式盘转到多重曝光模式。