- The new coated fabric used for membrane is made by multi axial warp-knitted fabric. 这种新型可作膜涂层织物由经编多轴向织物制成。
- This essay researches experimentally the change of the mechanical properties of multi axial warp knitted (MWK) uncoated and coated. 在实验的基础上研究多轴向经编织物涂层前后力学性能的变化。
- The reasonable axial compression, load angle and the ratio of stirrup of special-shaped columns are gained from the contrastive analysis. 通过对比分析,得出了异形柱比较合理的轴压比和加载角度。
- The calculation formulae of critical axial compression for the composite case is given. 给出了复合材料壳体圆筒临界轴压的计算公式。
- And axial force is applied to adobe masonry specimen, which are laid by varies marshaling way, to study their axial compression performance and failure forms. 使用不同的砌筑方法砌筑土坯砌体试件,对试件施加轴心压力,研究砌体轴心受压性能、破坏形态;
- Quasi-static axial compression tests are carried out to study the crushing behaviors of the aluminum foam filled hat sections. 通过试验方法研究了泡沫铝填充帽型结构准静态压溃时的吸能特性。
- Results We got the mechanical property indices of each group on the proneness, aback loll, axial compression, torsion, stress relaxation and creep. 结果得出了各组标本前屈、后伸、轴向压缩、扭转和应力松弛、蠕变力学性能指标。
- First, linear buckling method is adopted to analyze the axial compression member,and then the conclusions are exerted to the struts structure of BSS. 首先采用线性屈曲理论对任意边界的轴心受压杆件进行了屈曲分析,将分析结果运用到张弦结构的撑杆稳定性当中。
- To study the behavior of circular tube confined HSC stub columns,6 specimens were tested under cyclic axial compression. 为研究圆钢管约束高强混凝土短柱的轴压力学性能,进行6个短柱试件在循环轴压荷载作用下的试验研究。
- Axial compress is produced by the tension of prestressing beam, which engenders the third moment of column. 预应力筋的张拉会造成梁的轴向压缩,在柱中引起第3弯矩,但在工程设计中通常忽略这一因素影响。
- Conclusion.Horizontal MRI with the patient supine and the legs straightened was comparable to vertical MRI whether axial compression was added or not. 结论:患者仰卧位和下肢伸直位时的水平位MRI比垂直位的轴向压缩程度没有显著性差异。
- The plastic hinge model can also be used for the cantilever tapered castellated beam-columns when the axial compression ratio is below a certain value. 当轴压比较小时,悬臂楔形蜂窝压弯构件可以近似的采用塑性铰模型;当轴压比较大时,利用塑性铰模型分析是不合适的。
- The stability of a large opening composites conic shell stiffened with nettings under axial compression, external pressure and their combination is calculated in this paper. 本文用有限元法计算了受轴压、压、及轴压和外压联合作用下的大开。
- Experimental comparison on static behavior of a tubular N-joint (JD-A) and a concrete filled tubular N-joint (JD-B) under the axial compression of brace and chord is carried out. 摘要对承受支管轴力和主管轴力的N型圆钢管相贯节点(JD-A)、主管填充混凝土节点(JD-B)试件进行了极限承载力对比试验。
- The critical instability flowrate is proportional conversely to fluid pressure and axial compression force of pipe section, but is proportional to the axial tensile force. 并且失稳临界流速随流体压力和管截面轴向压力的增 加而下降,随管截面轴向拉力的增加而上升.
- Based on the single axial compression of sintered iron cylinder specimens,the rationality and applicability of generalized yield criterion are validated for sintered ... 通过烧结铁圆柱试样单向压缩试验,验证了粉末冶金烧结材料广义塑性屈服条件的合理性和适用性。
- Zhu Enchun, Calladine C R.Analysis of buckling of thin cylindrical shell under axial compression [J].China Civil Engineering Journal, 2001, 34(3): 18-22. [3]祝恩淳; Calladine C R.;均匀轴压圆柱壳的稳定分析[J]
- ZHANG Guojun,LU Xilin,LIU Boquan.Research on seismic behavior of reinforced concrete frame columns with transfinite axial compression ratios[J].Civ Eng J,2006,39(3):48. [2]张国军;吕西林;刘伯权.;轴压比超限时矩形钢筋混凝土框架柱的抗震性能试验研究[J]
- Based on the experimental study and elastic-plastic FEM analysis of composite masonry walls ,a simplified formular for axial compression bearing capacity is suggested. 在组合墙体试验和弹塑性有限元计算分析的基础上,建议了组合墙体轴心受压极限承载力简化计算公式,公式具有较好的精度,可供设计时参考。
- Axial compress expander forming has been used to production of high-grade thin-wall three-way connection made of red copper used for building and refrigeration. 介绍了采用轴向压缩胀形成形原理,生产高档建筑及制冷系统用薄壁紫铜管三通接头的成形工艺和模具结构。