- multi- fingered dexterous hand 多指灵巧手
- Design by PIC on the Control System of the Robot Multi-fingered Dexterous Hand. 基于PIC单片机的机器人灵巧手的控制系统设计。
- A structural devise of a dexterous hand with multi-fingers driven by pneumatic artifical muscle is introduced. 摘要研究一种气动人工肌肉驱动的多指仿人灵巧手的结构设计。
- In the third chapter, propose the operation methods of dexterous hand based virtual assembly with haptic feedback. 第三章提出基于灵巧手具有力觉反馈的柔性管虚拟操作方法。
- In the sensors system of the dexterous hand, authors mainly introduce six DOFs fingertip force/ toque sensor, joint position sensor, motor hall sensor and so on. 在灵巧手的传感器系统中,作者着重介绍了指尖六维力/矩传感器、节位置传感器、机霍尔传感器等。
- Besides, this sort of dexterous hand can match up with the effect of personification both in external shape and the range of movement. 实验结果表明,该仿人灵巧手具有很好的柔顺性,并且整体外形和手指关节的运动范围均能达到拟人的效果。
- The paper presents a new miniature five DOF force/toque sensor for multi-finger dexterous hand, and a highly integrated structure for the elastomer is used in the sensor. 摘要本文介绍了一种新型用于多指灵巧手的微型五维指尖力/力矩传感器。
- Schoolgirls braid Chinese knots, the Olympic emblem,with their dexterous hands. 学校女生们用灵巧的双手去编织中国花结和奥运会的会徽.
- The paper briefly describes the structure of the electrical system in the finger of a new dextrous hand, introduces driving system based on FPGA in the base joint of the finger. 简要描述了灵巧手手指电气系统的结构,详细介绍了基关节基于FPGA的电机驱动电路。
- All these elegant embroideries are creations of her dainty and dexterous hands. 这些精美的绣品都出自她那纤巧的双手。
- One is based on collision results between the dexterous hand and objects, and the other is by assessing dexterous hand's grasp ability to resist external force according to its contact positions on the object. 根据灵巧手各手指和虚拟物体接触时的相对位置关系,构造了灵巧手抓取模型,并以该抓取模型抵抗外力的能力为依据判别灵巧手能否抓取所接触的虚拟物体。
- By studying the shape, structure, driving-model and the rules of movement of human hand from anthropotomy, a dexterous hand close to a human hand in structure and functions with 5 fingers and 19 DOFs is designed. 通过分析正常人体解剖学,针对人类手掌的外形结构、驱动形式及运动规则,设计了一种5指仿人灵巧手。
- A kind of multi-fingered dexterous hand with underactuated tendons is presented in this paper.It is simple structure, dexterous operation, easy control, and higher operating adaptability. 摘要提出一种欠腱驱动多指灵巧手,它具有结构简单,操作灵巧,控制容易,较高的操作适应性。
- She fingered the silk to feel its quality. 她摸了摸这块绸料看质量如何。
- As we expected, making gold ornaments requires extreme care and attention. Various gold handicrafts are thus born from the dexterous hands of these workers. 金器的加工和我们想像中的一样,小心而细致。一件件精美的黄金工艺品,在工人们灵巧的双手和严谨的制作中诞生。
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- Dexterous hands with stereo vision, it makes primates from the three-dimensional space observation of objects, any objects with their hands to mobile and Bonong. 灵巧的手加上立体视觉,就使得灵长类能够从三维空间观察物体,用手把物体任意移动和拨弄。
- He that handle thorn shall pick his finger. 手中弄荆棘,难免被刺伤。
- Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket. 千万不要把手指或剪刀插进电源插座。
- Naturally lively and naughty, Senator imparting skills in love with dexterous hands dagger and the universe circle Juanqingruyan, lightweight cute, like freedom unfettered. 生性活泼顽皮,得高人传授武艺,爱用双手短剑和灵巧的乾坤圈,身轻如燕,轻盈可爱,喜欢自由不受拘束。