- multi tube furnace 多管炉
- The gas turbine using a low caloric value gas, which is suitable for iron and steel plants, has both single and multi tube type burner. 适合钢铁厂低热值煤气燃气轮机有单筒燃烧器和多筒燃烧器二种类型。
- Technical improvement of making rotary tube furnace,tetrode reduction furnace in recent years is described. 介绍了近年来在制作回转管炉、四管还原炉的技术进步;
- Distill coal tar in a tube furnace to generate 3 mix oil ,and obtain crude phenol from washed 3 mix oil . 煤焦油经管式炉蒸馏后,酚油,洗油和萘油馏分组成的三混馏分再经过洗涤后获得。
- The characteristics of the Nitrogen releasing from different coal pyrolyzing in the tube furnace were studied in this paper. 试验研究了烟煤、贫煤及其混煤在管式炉热解过程中氮的析出特性,探讨了煤质特性、运行参数对氮析出特性的影响。
- The TSR Element has a thin wall construction and a clear inner diameter which makes it useful for tube furnace applications. TSR有一层薄壁结构和非常空旷的内径,这个更有助于炉壁内的应用。
- Antimony doped tin oxide(ATO) solid and hollow spheres were fabricated by reducing ATO nanoparticles with graphite as the reducer in the high temperature tube furnace. 通过在水平管式炉中用石墨还原锑掺杂二氧化锡(ATO)纳米颗粒的方法制备了ATO的实心球和空心球,并用EDX和XRD等技术分析了产物的物相和元素组成;
- The char types of the various macerals and their combustion modes were investigated in detail according to the drop tube furnace and one-dimension coal combustibility tests. 本文依据沉降炉和一维煤粉燃烧特性试验,对不同显微组分的残炭类型及其燃烧方式进行了详尽的探讨。
- The heating process of steel wire during austenization in continuous heating tube furnace has been simulated and the results have been proved through metallurgical analysis. 对使用管式连续热处理炉进行钢丝奥氏体化热处理过程中的钢丝实际加热过程进行了模拟计算,并通过金相分析验证了模拟结果。
- Comparing the digested sludge from the preroasted ore in muffle furnace to the digested sludge from that in rotary tube furnace, the latter has better settling performance. 与马弗炉焙烧相比,旋转管式炉焙烧矿溶出赤泥的沉降性能更好。
- By the reformation of tar tube furnace, perfection of operation rules and strengthen management, tube furnace can run safely and stably with a long period of time, so as to low cost and raise the economic benefits. 焦油管式炉是焦油蒸馏的核心设备,贵阳煤气气源厂通过改造设备、善操作规程、强管理,使管式炉达到安全、定、周期运行,同时降低成本,提高经济效益。
- Through taking advantage of using acoustic and pneumatic rotary soot blower in direct tube furnace respectively,excellent soot-blowing effect can be achieved and the use requirements can be satisfied. 在直接管式加热炉上混合使用声波吹灰器和气动旋转式吹灰器,分别利用其优点,使其达到良好的吹灰效果,满足现场使用要求。
- Two methods for radiation heat trnasfer in radiant tube furnace, the equivalent grey planes method and the imaginary planes method are introduced and compared with real conditions. 文章提出了计算辐射管炉内辐射换热的两种简化方法:当量连续灰平面法和假想面法,并与实际情况进行了比较计算。
- Mechanism of biomass pyrolysis in a tube furnace 在管式炉中生物质热解的机理
- atomization in graphite tube furnace 石墨管炉原子化法
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- I must buy a tube of toothpaste. 我必须买一支牙膏。
- Turn the mode dial to select multi exposure mode. 把模式盘转到多重曝光模式。
- This tube is flexible but tough. 这管子柔软但很坚固。