- Covert military operations; covert funding for the rebels. 秘密军事行动; 叛乱者的秘密资金
- Previous military operations have ended in truces. 以往的军事行动都以停火而告终。
- Air cover, especially during a military operation. 掩护幕空中掩护,尤其是在军事行动期间
- Coalition military operations are progressing and will succeed. 联盟的军事行动正不断取得进展,必将获得成功。
- Of, intended for, or involved in military operations. 军事行动的,计划军事行动的,涉及到军事行动的
- Playing Chinese chess is just like directing military operations. 下象棋就像指挥军队作战。
- Playing Weiqi is just like directing military operations. 下围棋有如指挥军队作战。
- It conducts full spectrum military operations as a start. 一开始它指导军事行动的整个过程。
- Rice says that Russia must end military operations in Georgia now. 赖斯表示现在俄罗斯必须终止在乔治亚州的军事行动。
- Bad weather hindered the military operation. 恶劣的天气妨碍了军事行动。
- The British Army used these amphibious crafts in military operations in Borneo. 英国军队曾用这种水陆两用交通工具在婆罗州作过军事演习。
- Bad weather hindered the military operation . 恶劣的天气妨碍了军事行动。
- To begin or resume activity,as in military operations or in a sport. 出阵,开战如在军事行动区一项运动中,令其开始或重新开始。
- Policy-makers must consider military operations on urban terrain strategically. 决策者必须从战略上考虑城市地形上军事作战的问题。
- To begin or resume activity, as in military operations or in a sport. 出阵,开战如在军事行动区一项运动中,令其开始或重新开始
- We hope we won't have to solve the problem with military operations. 我们希望不必通过战争手段解决问题。
- These units played a key functional role in the military operation. 这些单位在军事行动中起到了主要的职能作用。
- We organized the dispersed guerrilla units into field armies and accumulated a wealth of experience in military operations. 我们把分散的游击部队组成了野战军,积累了丰富的作战经验。
- Our experience in the last ten months of military operations shows that it is possible to annihilate enemy forces -- witness the Pinghsingkuan and Taierhchuang campaigns. 在作战上讲,十个月的经验证明歼灭是可能的,平型关、台儿庄等战役就是明证。
- Received uncensored correspondence from a theater of military operations; sells uncensored movies and novels. 收到来自战区的未经检查的信件;出售未经审查的电影和小说