- mulch and plow into soil 覆盖和翻埋
- The car went out of control and ploughed into the side of a bus. 那汽车失控拦腰撞上了一辆公共汽车。
- The car turned over twice and ploughed into the woods. 汽车翻了两个滚,撞入树林。
- The car went out of control and ploughed into the side of a truck. 小汽车失控拦腰撞在一辆卡车的侧面。
- The car went out of control and ploughed into the side of a bus . 她正在发起一项改进公共汽车运营服务的活动--祝她成功!
- A pencil-like streamer of gas shoots out in both directions from the pillar and plows into surrounding gas like a fire hose hitting a wall of sand. 一个铅笔状的气体流从柱体两端射出一头扎入周围的气体中,就像用消防水龙喷一堵沙墙。
- The Beijing Olympic 100m and 200m champion was apparently speeding on a rain-slicked highway when he lost control of the high-powered vehicle and plowed into a ditch, police said. 警方称,博尔特当时驾驶一辆宝马在高速公路上超速行驶,加之雨后路滑,车子失控坠入路边水沟。
- The rock has weathered away into soil. 岩石经雨蚀风化而变成泥土。
- The softer rock has been weathered away into soil. 较软的岩石风化成了泥土。
- A truck plowed into my car and smashed the fender. 一辆卡车撞上了我的车把保险杠撞坏了。
- Effects of rice straw mulch and water-retaining agent on soil properties and crop yield. 施用保水剂和稻草覆盖对作物和土壤的效应。
- This picture shows how the botanic roots go deep into soil. 这张照片显示植物的根是如何深入到土壤里去的.
- Things like mulch and wood chips can help the soil hold moisture better as well, and aeration ensures that the water gets down closer to the roots. 东西复盖和木屑可以帮助进行土壤水分和美好,确保水、曝气除此之外接近根部。
- The car ploughed into a wall and was completely damaged. 汽车猛撞在一堵墙上,给撞得一塌糊涂。
- Adhesive force exists between soil and plow moldboard in the field work of paddy field plough. 水田犁壁田间作业时由于土壤对犁壁的粘附,导致犁耕阻力增加,降低生产效率。
- This rock has been breaking down gradually into soil. 这块岩石正在逐渐风化为泥土。
- Then cover the soil with a good layer of mulch and your garden will grow, thrive and produce a lovely harvest for you in the year ahead. 之后用覆盖物覆盖土壤,之后你的菜园将会在新的一年中生长、繁荣并为你长出良好的收成。
- As soon as they arrived there they ploughed into the work. 他们一到那儿就干劲十足地投入工作。
- The farmers counted their rakes and hoes and plows. 农民清点耙,锄和犁。
- Soilless cultivation of export-oriented processing, you can proxy processing Soilless bare root, small potted plants, flower hydroponic soil mulch and flowers. 无土栽培以出口加工为主,可以代理加工无土裸根苗,小盆栽,花泥护根水培花卉等。