- Including all Kinds of filament yarn, spurn yarn and waste of mulberry silk, tussah silk and other natural silk. 蓖麻绢丝,蓖麻细丝,蓖麻落绵;木薯绢丝,木薯细丝,木薯落绵;天蚕丝。
- The color is gorgeous, and the texture is very mulberry silk, but the trademark beat is not, can match various dress. 颜色绚丽,个性化十足,质感很似桑蚕丝,但商标打得不是,可搭配各类服饰。
- This factory dyes the entire factory for the real silk, the annual output is 1,000 myriameter, principal variety for mulberry silk weave. 本厂为真丝绸染整厂,年产量为1000万米,主要品种为桑蚕丝机织物。
- This paper primarily probes into photodegradation mechanism of mulberry silk throughthe gas chromatogram analysis of products out of photodegradation. 通过对光降解产物气相色谱分析,对桑蚕丝光降解机理作初步探讨。
- The mulberry silk has strong moisture absorbability, moisture penetrability as well as preventing from mildew, acarid and antibacterial. 桑蚕丝具有较强的吸湿性、透气透湿性、以及极佳的防霉、防螨、抗菌特性。
- As natural protein, sericin protein (SP) is the main component of mulberry silk besides the fibroin, and it is byproduct of filature production. 丝胶是桑蚕丝除丝素外的主要成分,是天然蛋白质,是缫丝生产的副产物;
- The western area is likely to become a major mulberry silk production base due to its vast land resources and unique phenological conditions. 西部地区由于丰富的土地资源和独特的物候条件,有可能成为我国一个主要的蚕丝生产基地。
- Silk / soja fiber interweaves silken it is the silk matter that interweave by mulberry silk and soja albumen fiber and becomes. 蚕丝/大豆纤维交织绸是由桑蚕丝与大豆蛋白纤维交织而成的丝织物。桑蚕丝是天然纤维;而大豆蛋白纤 By Inc.
- In comparison with that of mulberry silk, the weighting percentage of tussah silk is much higher, and different from that of mulberry silk, the stress of tus... 与桑蚕丝相比,柞蚕丝的增重率较大,应力变化与桑蚕丝不同,随增重率的提高,应力呈增加的趋势。
- Interweaving of the natural fibres mulberry silk, spun silk and ramie can make up each other's deficiencies, resulting in sophisticated fabrics with better wearability. 利用桑丝、绢/麻纱两种天然纤维的交织,取长补短,使织物更趋完美,提高了服用性。
- Its six categories of products include genuine silk clothing, scarves and neckties, underpants seam-free at the crotch, mulberry silk products, silk bedclothes, silk tourist crafts, etc. 产品覆盖真丝服装、围巾领带、无底缝内裤、桑蚕丝绵制品及丝绸床上用品、旅游工艺品六大类;
- Preparation and Property Measure of Mulberry Silk Powder 桑蚕丝蛋白粉的制备及结构性能测试
- A Study of the Formation of Microholes in Mulberry Silk Fibers 蚕丝纤维的微孔生成及性能研究
- Health standard for mulberry silk dust in the air of workplace 车间空气中桑蚕丝尘卫生标准
- Keywords Mulberry Silk;Photodegradation;Gas chromatogram analysis; 桑蚕丝;光降解;气相色谱分析;
- Structure and Properties of Mulberry Silk Fiber after Plasma Treatment 经等离子体处理的蚕丝纤维结构与性能
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- Analysis of Sewing Experiments on Split Property of Mulberry Silk Fabric 桑蚕丝织物纰裂性能的缝合法试验分析
- Research on Properties of Mulberry Silk Grafted with Vinyl Silicone Monomer 乙烯基硅氧烷单体接枝家蚕丝的性能研究
- She fingered the silk to feel its quality. 她摸了摸这块绸料看质量如何。