- Umbilical mucous connective tissue 脐粘液结缔组织
- mucous connective tissue 粘液组织,粘液结缔组织
- The sheath of connective tissue enclosing a bundle of nerve fibers. 经来膜包裹住神经纤维的膜状结缔组织
- The firm connective tissue covered by mucous membrane that envelops the alveolar arches of the jaw and surrounds the bases of the teeth. 龈,牙床覆盖着粘膜的坚韧的连接组织,包裹颚上的弓形牙槽及牙根部
- Fat cells developing in areolar connective tissue. 疏松结缔组织中,几个脂肪细胞。
- It generates a scar of dense connective tissue. 它形成致密的结缔组织疤痕。
- A cell that gives rise to connective tissue. 成纤维细胞一种增加连接组织的细胞
- It generates a scar of dense Connective tissue . 它形成致密的结缔组织疤痕。
- Cartilage is a type of dense connective tissue. 软骨是一种致密结缔组织。
- The external sheath of connective tissue surrounding a muscle. 肌外衣包围肌肉的连结组织的外鞘
- A subdivision of a bodily organ or part bounded by fissures, connective tissue, or other structural boundaries. 叶身体器官和部分的细分部分,由裂纹、连接组织或其他组织边界粘连
- A spreading inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue. 蜂窝织炎一种皮下组织或相连组织的扩散性发炎
- Thicker moles also contain nerve elements and connective tissue. 较厚的色素痣中可有神经及结缔组织成分。
- The sheathof connective tissue enclosing a bundle of nerve fibers. 经来膜包裹住神经纤维的膜状结缔组织。
- The biomaterial was replaced by connective tissue within 6 weeks. 在6周之内,此种生物材料逐渐被结缔组织取代。
- Tunica adventitia: entirely made of connective tissue. 外膜:完全由结缔组织构成。
- A stretched preparation of areolar connective tissue. 结缔组织铺片。
- The connective tissue and its fibers encompassed glassy membrane. 在玻璃膜外为结缔组织及其纤维。
- The surgeon cut through connective tissue to expose the bone. 外科医生割开结缔组织, 让骨头露出来。
- Note the dense pink connective tissue dura at the right. 右边是致密的粉红色结缔组织硬脑膜。