- He's always ready to argue, much to our annoyance. 他老爱跟人抢着说,真叫人生气。
- Much to our annoyance, they decided not to come after all. 他们终于决定不来,使我们很生气。
- Much to our annoyance, he failed to keep his appointment. 他失约了,我们都非常恼火。
- Our success was attributed not so much to your help as to our cooperation. 我们的成功与其归功于您的帮忙,不如归功于我们的合作。
- Much to our chagrin, you've done it again. 令我们遗憾的是,你又这么做了。
- Your presence adds, much to our festive joy. 你们的光临,增加了我们节日的欢乐。
- much to our annoyance 使我们十分烦恼地.
- Our son decided to go in for law, much to our sunrise. 我们的儿子决定专攻法律使我们大吃一惊。
- The truths we least like to hear are those which it is most to our advantage to know. 我们最不愿意听到的事实,往往是我们知道了会大有好处的事实。
- Such experiences contribute much to our appetite and digestion. 这些活动大大促进了我们的食欲和消化。
- When Xiao Wu was praised, he was embarrassed, much to our surprise. 小吴受了表扬反倒不好意思起来了。
- Hong Kong's elderly have contributed much to our success over the years. 香港年长的一辈辛勤半生,贡献社会。
- We have much to say to our ascending brothers and sisters of the land. 我们有很多话要对我们大陆上的提升兄弟姐妹们说。
- My lame excuse is that I have too much to do. 我那站不住脚的借口就是我要干的事太多了。
- Much to our surprise when the plankton entered the oyster tried very hard to expel the plankton. Within3-5 minutes, the movement of the heart became very abnormal and the oyster died at once. 意想不到的是当浮游生物进入蚌体时,珠蚌的排异性非常强,3到5分钟之内,蚌的心脏运动异常并很快死亡。
- Thank you for your prompt reply to our telegram. 多谢您对我们电报的即刻答复。
- His wife had much to do with his bankruptcy. 他的破产和他的妻子很有关系。
- We found ourselves in opposition to our friends on this question. 我们发现在这个问题上我们与我们的朋友立场相反。
- A mistake now would be fatal to our success. 现在的一个错误对我们的成功将是致命的。
- Morally she leaves much to be desired. 从道德上讲她缺点不少。