- moving bed catalytic cracking 移动床催裂化法
- fluidized - bed catalytic cracking for heavyoil 重油催化裂化
- fluidized- bed catalytic cracking 催化裂化
- fixed bed catalytic cracking 固定床催化裂化
- It is known as catalytic cracking. 这就是所谓的催化裂化。
- Fluidized bed processing was first used commercially in fluid catalytic cracking of crude oil in 1941. 早在1941年,流化床工艺过程就第一次以工业规模用于原油的流化催化裂化。
- The reaction behavior of residua catalytic cracking was investigated in a fixed fliud bed reactor by using CRC 1 catalyst. 利用小型固定流化床反应装置,对渣油催化裂化的反应特征进行了多方面的考察。
- This was in good agreement with the experimental data obtained in a fixed bed micro-reactor for catalytic cracking of thiophene, 3-methylthiophene and 2,5-bimethylthiophene. 这与在实验室固定床微反装置上以噻吩、3-甲基噻吩和2,5-二甲基噻吩为模型化合物进行实验所得到的结果是一致的。
- The high efficiency steam stripping technology of catalytic cracking unit can efficiently decrease the coke yield, and mitigate the regenerator's load. 催化裂化装置高效汽提技术可有效降低焦炭产率,减轻再生器负荷。
- The oxidation and molecular recomposition proceeded in the same time, when the isobutanol gas and air passed the fixed bed catalytic reactor continuously. 异丁醇气体和空气混合后通过催化剂层的固定床反应器,使氧化反应和分子重排反应同时进行。
- Fluid catalytic cracking(FCC) is one of the most important processes converting heavy oil to light oils. 流化催化裂化(FCC)是最重要的重质油轻质化过程之一。
- The effects of the compostion s of different catalytic stocks on catalytic cracking reaction was discussed. 讨论了不同催化原料油组成情况及其对催化裂化反应的影响。
- For synthesis of cumene used benzene with propylene a fixed bed catalytic distillation column and a suspension catalytic distillation column is respectively simulated. 分别对苯与丙烯烷基化合成异丙苯的固定床和悬浮床精馏塔进行了模拟计算。
- The Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) is the major gasoline-producing process in refinery. FCC(流化催化裂化)是炼厂生产汽油的主要方法之一。
- The current development of simulated, moving bed and fixed-bed modeling have given a new impetus to molasses desugarization by ion exclusion. 模拟流动床及固定床的改进为离子排斥法提糖注入了活力。
- The latest desulfurization technologies of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) gasoline are introduced. 介绍了国内外最新的流化催化裂化 (FCC)汽油的脱硫技术 .
- The SHARON process was used to remove ammonium nitrogen from landfill leachate with moving bed biofilm reactor(MBBR). 采用移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)对城市垃圾渗滤液进行SHARON工艺研究。
- The mass fraction of n-butene in mixed C4 from catalytic cracking after etherized was approximately 40%. 醚化后的催化裂化混合C4中含有质量分数约为40%25的正丁烯,是生产丙烯的优质原料。
- A porous abio-carrier with low density was developed and used in a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor(MBBR) in this experiment. 开发了一种多孔轻质无机载体并将其应用于紊动床生物膜反应器,探讨应用该载体的紊动床生物膜反应器及生物膜特性。
- Catalytic cracking of olefins features simplicity in operation and low cost,and should be developed in preference. 烯烃催化裂化技术具有操作简单和成本低廉等优势,应加快研究开发。