- A position of prestige in diplomatic circles. 在外交界具有重要的一席之地
- moves in diplomatic circles. 活跃于外交界
- There are certain forms that must be followed in diplomatic circles. 在外交界有一些礼节是必须遵守的。
- At home in diplomatic circles. 在外交场合轻松自如
- He moves in very rarefied circles; his friends are all lords. 他活动于上流阶层,结交的尽是贵族。
- Since the Gaza war, moreover, voices calling for accommodation with Hamas, even if it does not swallow all the required conditions, have grown louder in diplomatic circles, especially in Europe. 加沙战争之后,和哈马斯共处的呼声出来了,在外交圈里尤其在欧洲呼声更加膨胀即使没有包括所有要求的条件。
- She moves in fashionable circles. 她周旋於上流社会的圈子里。
- He once served in diplomatic service. 他曾一度干外交工作。
- He moves in exclusive social circles and belongs to the most exclusive clubs. 他活动于社交甚严的社交圈内,而且属于那些最不愿吸收外人的俱乐部。
- The exercise of patience is essential in diplomatic negotiations. 在外交谈判中,重要的是要有耐性。
- She moves in the highest circles of society. 她生活在高级社交圈里。
- Do you know all the possible moves in chess? 国际象棋的各种走法你都会吗?
- He moves in very exclusive social circles. 他活动于非常排外的社交圈子内。
- She moves in a very small circle. 她的活动圈子很小。
- She only moves in the best circles. 她只涉足那些精英圈子。
- A part of a mechanism that moves in this manner. 横移物以这种方式移动的一个机械零件
- He was more than my match in diplomatic shrewdness. 论外交手腕之精明, 我远不敌他。
- Don't stop on the roadway; move in to the side. 别在车行道上停留;到边上来。
- I tried to move in on his cushy job. 我想夺取他那轻松的工作。
- That guy tried to move in on my girlfriend. 那家伙想抢走我的女朋友。