- To move along a course,as in a groove. 移动沿着一条路线移动,如在沟槽中
- To move along a course, as in a groove. 移动沿着一条路线移动,如在沟槽中
- The stylus is traveling in a groove. 唱针正循着唱片纹路移动。
- A man gets in a groove in New York. 在纽约,人习惯于老一套。
- He was in a groove after purchasing his new car. 买了新车后,他的生活有些单调乏味。
- To move in a weaving, wobbling, or rolling manner. 摇晃前行以一种交叉的、摇晃的或摇摆的方式前进
- She moves in a very small circle. 她的活动圈子很小。
- To act,grow,or move in a wanton manner; be wanton. 以一种放荡的方式表演、生长或移动;放荡。
- To move in a leisurely or aimless manner; dawdle. 闲荡悠闲地无目地移动;闲逛
- To move in a manner suggestive of a worm. 如虫般地移动以使人联想到蠕虫的方式移动
- To move in a weaving,wobbling,or rolling manner. 摇晃前行以一种交叉的、摇晃的或摇摆的方式前进
- Could you please move in a bit to let me pass? 请挪一下,让我过去好吗?
- A move in a board game over an opponent's piece. 跳吃在棋盘游戏中跳吃对方的棋子
- To move in a lively, capering manner;prance. 蹦蹦跳跳以一种活泼、雀跃的方式活动;雀跃
- To gather, press, or move in a throng. 大群地聚集、挤压或移动
- The legs move in a scissor action. 两腿像剪刀似地运动。
- Vi. To go or move in a quiet, stealthy way. 溜,潜行安静,偷偷地前进或行动。
- To force an animal to move in a desired direction. 朝指定的方向驱赶动物。
- My life seems to be in a groove,I do the same things day after day. 我的生活似乎很单调,日复一日地干着同样的事情。
- To move in a lively,capering manner;prance. 蹦蹦跳跳以一种活泼、雀跃的方式活动;雀跃