- moutan cortex pulveratus 牡丹皮末
- Result:Identify character of moutan cortex and prepared rehmannia root by TLC is good,and recurrency is also good. 结果:主药薄层色谱定性鉴别特征性强,重现性好。限量检查方法简便易行。
- Purification and Physico-chemical Properties of Polysaccharides PSM2b from Moutan Cortex of Paeonia suffruticoas Andr[J]. 引用该论文 陈彦;沈业寿;赵帜平;胡立德;钟再新.
- magnoliae cortex pulveratus 厚朴末
- cinchonae cortex pulveratus 金鸡纳树皮粉
- cinnamomi cortex pulveratus 桂皮粉
- phellodendri cortex pulveratus 黄柏末
- Unguis Suillus, Radix Rehmanniae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Cortex Moutan. 猪蹄甲,地黄,赤芍,牡丹皮。
- Cortex Moutan (Tree Peony Root-bark) HPLC/MS TIC fingerprint solution. 牡丹皮药材HPLC/MS TIC色谱指纹图谱解决方案文档。
- Objective To study on the multible-extracting technology of Cortex moutan . 目的研究丹皮综合提取的工艺。
- moutan cortex 芍药根皮, 牡丹皮
- Having a cortex or a similar specialized outer layer. 有皮的有皮的或具有相似的专门发育的外部覆盖的
- Objective: To study the optimun extraction methods of paeonol from cortex moutan. 目的:优选从牡丹皮中提取丹皮酚的最佳方法。
- Method: To TLC was used for identification of Radix Notoginseng,Radix Paeoniae Alba and Cortex Moutan. 方法:建立了三七、白芍与赤芍、牡丹皮的薄层色谱鉴别和丹皮酚紫外分光光度含量测定法。
- Cortex Phellodendri, Cortex Phellodendri, Radix Rehmanniae Preparata, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Fructus Corni, Cortex Moutan. 知母,黄柏,熟地黄,山茱萸(制),牡丹皮,山药,茯苓,泽泻,蜂蜜。
- Objective To conduct the quality analysis of Cortex Moutan from various places of China. 目的分析各地牡丹皮药材(饮片)质量状况。
- Methods: Volume analysis is used to determine the microscopic characteristic constants of Cortex Moutan. 方法:采用容量分析法对牡丹皮进行显微特征常数值的测定。
- Objective To study the identification methods for Cortex Moutan and Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae in Lixin Pill. 目的研究利心丸中的牡丹皮和防己的鉴别方法。
- Whether auditory cortex process the visual signal? 听觉皮层参与与否之争?
- The somatosensory areaof the cerebral cortex. 大脑皮层的体觉区域。