- He got lost in the mountain forest. 他在山林里迷了路。
- The verdant mountain forest turns red gradually in the autumn wind. 苍翠的山林在秋风中渐渐变红了。
- In the bushy mountain forest, lives a group of fairy. 在那浓密的山林里,住着一群小精灵。
- Southern mountain forest cover in the main vegetation. 南部山区植被以森林覆盖为主。
- Birds sing in chorus every morning in the mountain forest. 每天早晨山林里的鸟雀们都要进行新一天的“合唱”。
- To live in seclusion with his lover in the mountain forest is his biggest wish. 与心爱的人隐遁山林一直是他最大的愿望。
- Mountain forest area, widespread limestone, thin soilshi hou ,gou shen po dou . 区内山峰林立,灰岩广布,石厚土薄,沟深坡陡。
- Personally being ploughed never forgets to worry about the coutry The warm blood that who knows is the mountain forest. 躬耕从未忘忧国,谁知热血在山林。
- Decomposition processes of Tilia amurensis leaves in the Changbai Mountain forest ecosystem. 长白山森林生态系统中椴树叶分解进程的研究。
- Osaki Mountain Forest Park of the mountain forest, the green to drop, known as Edong "Mount Tai" said. 大崎山森林公园山高林密,苍翠欲滴,素有鄂东"泰山"之称。
- Habit: habitat in the tropical mountain forest of mixed Kushu or branches, Youxi bamboo. 习性: 栖于热带低山混合林的枯树或树枝上,尤喜竹林。
- Twelve alumni and HCB staff gathered at the Baiwang Mountain Forest Park, ready for the breathtaking landscape. 万里碧空下,近千亩红叶林竞相争艳,红得透亮,红得醉人。
- I know she says justifiably, but I am roused really do not have courage claustral mountain forest. 我知道她说得有理,但我实在鼓不起勇气隐遁山林。
- The wild azalea base lies in National Yangming Mountain Forest Park in Shuangpai County of Hunan Province. 该野生杜鹃花基地位于湖南省双牌县阳明山国家森林公园内,杜鹃花自然群落成块状连片分布,花树高达3米,高矮一致、整齐有序。
- Dark industry business leaves familiar mountain forest, enter new field absently, end in order to fail mostly. 森工企业离开熟悉的山林,茫然进入生疏的领域,大多以失败告终。
- Osaki Mountain Forest Park is located in the northern part of Mission wind County. 大崎山森林公园位于团风县北部。
- Besides, some villagers said leasing the mountain forest did not bring them any benefits, but rather damage and harm. 除此之外,还有村民提出,出租山林村民并非最大受益者,而是沦为受损者。
- In order to avoid war, Councillor Wang and his family decided to withdraw from society and live in a mountain forest. 为了躲避战祸,王员外一家决定隐逸山林。
- Jack lived in seclusion in the mountain forest and cut himself off from the rest of the world. 杰克隐居山林,一直过着与世隔绝的生活。
- Known tourist summer resort in a Desolate Mountain of Hope, Taiyue Mountain Forest Park in the north county. 闻名全国的旅游避暑胜地灵空山、太岳山森林公园就在该县北部。