- Reducing expansion stress of the moulding sand and increasing wet tensile strength of moulding sand are the main measures to prevent scab defect. 防止夹砂缺陷的主要措施是降低型砂的膨胀应力和提高型砂的热湿拉强度。
- A new kind of moulding sand adhesive used for casting industry was prepared from distillation test residue of cottonseed oil fatty acid. 采用精制棉油脂肪酸蒸馏过程中排出的蒸馏残渣为原料,制备一种新型型砂铸造用粘结剂。
- It can crush waste sand packet of gummy sand,waterglass sand and babed mould sand,etc,and make them regenerate. 而且针对树脂砂,水玻璃砂等有机残留物(惰性膜)有搓磨破碎达到脱膜去膜的作用。
- When using in moulding sand, it can promote oriental solidification of castings and prevent burn-on and sand inclusion of castings, and improve roughness of castings. 在铸造生产中可以促进铸件的方向性凝固,防止粘砂、夹砂等铸造缺陷和改善铸件表面粗糙度。
- When the moulding technological test is carried out on the air impulse test moulding machine, the moulding sand employed is the sand used by Nanchang Diesel Factory for high-pressure moulding. 原文:利用气流冲击试验机进行造型工艺试验,使用的型砂为南昌柴油机厂高压造型用砂。
- The technical principle of the intelligent high speed tester for solidity of moulding sand is described briefly. The design, calibration and application results of the tester are introduced. 简述型砂紧实率快速智能测试仪的技术原理,介绍了测试仪的设计、定以及应用效果。
- This system can be used to test the properties of the moulding sand on line, such as sand compactability, green compressive strength, and sand temperature, and to control the actual. 该系统能够用于在线检测型砂的紧实率、湿压强度和砂温等性能,并且能够根据检测结果通过控制补加水量将型砂紧实率控制在设定的工艺范围之内。
- The triaxial mechanics properties of a resin sand at elevated temperature are revealed through the recently developed trixaial apparatus for moulding sands. 利用新研制的型砂高温三轴测试手段,首次测定了常用树脂型砂在围压作用下的高温三轴力学性能。
- Preparation of a novel moulding sand adhesive 一种新型型砂粘结剂的制备
- Sodium alkyl sulfonate moulding sand 烷基磺酸钠型砂
- moulding sand covering on the permanent mold 金属型覆砂
- Method of controlled strain rate was used to measure failure of various moulding sands at elevated temperature, and all curves of stress-strain of moulding sands are obtained. 采用控制应变速率的方法测试了不同型砂高温下的破坏方式,从而获得了型砂全程应力-应变曲线;
- Keywords compound carbon powder;mould sand;seacoal; 复合碳粉;型砂;煤粉;
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子。
- Considering that roller mill has good flexibility to various moulding sands but its productivity too low,a new type of mixer with doubleflanges rollers was proposed to increase productivity. 针对目前辗轮式混砂机对型砂适应性强,但生产率低的问题进行了研究,提出采用双凸缘辗轮提高混砂机的生产率。
- The children were playing in the sand pit. 孩子们在沙坑中玩耍。
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- The sun blazed down on the sand. 阳光强烈地晒在沙滩上。
- Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。