- Scientific innovation is just realized under the common action of the dual motive system. 科学创新正是在这种双重动力系统的共同作用下实现的。
- The special underwater fountain pump is the power motive system of the fountain. It has a completer sizes and a quality warranty. The sensitivity is controlled by the computer. 专用水下喷泉水泵是喷泉的动力系统,产品规格齐全,质量三保,在电脑的控制下灵敏度高。
- We should establish the motivating system in these three levels : property right , daily work and inspirit. 文章提出,要在三个层面上实施激励:产权层面、日常运行层面、精神层面。
- Therefore this paper uses goal commitment as the mediate variables to examine how motivate system and jobcharacteristics affeccts work performance. 因此本研究提出以工作特性、激励制度为自变数,目标承诺为中介变数,工作绩效为依变数。
- He thinks that it is necessary to publish information about security threats to motivate system operators to protect themselves. 他认为公布安全威胁的信息是必要的,可以激励系统操作员增加保护意识。
- This thesis extends the concept of motivational system to a wider implication what is the optimization and hardener of administration. 并将激励机制的含义扩展到了是管理的系统优化和规范化的层面。
- Third, the degree of economic inequality under the Difference Principle is closely related to citizens' motivational system. 三,满足差异原则下的社会分配的不平等程度,和人们的动机系统密不可分。
- His sole motive is to make more money. 他唯一的动机就是多赚钱。
- Her prime motive was personal ambition. 她的主要动机是为了实现个人的志向。
- As far as the teaching system is concerned, we should esta blish the motivating system arrangement,diversified stereoscopic organic system and network system of communication. 具体到教学制度上,就是要建立激励性的制度安排、多样化的立体组织系统以及网络性的沟通机制。
- I don't understand what his motive is. 我不知道他的动机是什么。
- Enterprise motivation system is built to exert employee positivity and boost up the enterprise competition.The content stated mainly in this thesis include five chapters. 建立和完善企业的激励机制,从而充分发挥员工的积极性,继而增强企业的竞争力。
- He showed his sinister motive at last. 他终于露出了他那邪恶的用心。
- A proposal for reorganizing the personnel motivation system aimed to encourage and discipline upper management as well as to incite regular staff is depicted. 提出重构领导者激励约束机制和普通工作人员激励机制的若干对策。
- That was the motive that swayed with him. 那就是支配他的动机。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- His sole motive was to make her happy. 他唯一的目的就是使她幸福。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- There was no ulterior motive in his proposal. 他的建议里没有不可告人的动机。
- The motive for the crime was impenetrable. 那起罪行的作案动机叫人捉摸不透。