- I have already spoken about the dialectical materialist view of motive and effect. 关于动机和效果的辩证唯物主义观点,我在前面已经讲过了。
- The dualism of motive and effect is the philosophical basis for forgiving those people. 动机和效果的二元论是他们宽恕这些人的哲学基础。
- The problem lies behind, I'm afraid, is the diversity of cultures: westerners are dualists on motive and effect, while Chinese are monists. 问题恐怕在于文化差异,西方人是动机效果二元论者,而中国人是动机效果统一论者。
- Idealists stress motive and ignore effect,while mechanical materialists stress effect and ignore motive. In contradistinction to both,we dialectical materialists insist on the unity of motive and effect. 唯心论者是强调动机否认效果的,机械唯物论者是强调效果否认动机的,我们和这两者相反,我们是辩证唯物主义的动机和效果的统一论者。
- Idealists stress motive and ignore effect, while mechanical materialists stress effect and ignore motive. In contradistinction to both, we dialectical materialists insist on the unity of motive and effect. 唯心论者是强调动机否认效果的,机械唯物论者是强调效果否认动机的,我们和这两者相反,我们是辩证唯物主义的动机和效果的统一论者。
- As a result of Mao Zedong to revisionist did not make accurate explanation, adopted wrong method, those who caused motive and effect extremely not harmonious, led to the tragedy of his individual. 由于毛泽东对于修正主义没有做出准确的解释,并采取了错误的方法,造成了动机与效果的极不协调,酿成了他个人的悲剧。
- It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case. 这个案件中的动机与结果很难联系起来。
- In the feministic perspective, her criticism, irony and subversion of the patriarchal social system are quite obvious in the theme, motivation and effect of her fiction writing. 以女性主义视角聚焦其小说创作的主题、动机和影响,她对父权社会的鞭挞、嘲讽和暗中颠覆便彻底显露出来。
- The principle of or relationship between cause and effect. 因果关系原因与结果之间的原则或关系
- I have to warn you that his motive and affection have lain hidden. 我不得不提醒你他的动机和感情还不明。
- Its motive and jumping-off place are very suspectable. 其动机及出发点十分值得怀疑。
- the unity of motive and effective 动机和效果的统一
- I don't know the cause and effect. 我不知道此事的前因后果。
- Another mistake is to confuse cause and effect. 另外一个错误就是因果混淆。
- Assist supervisors to deeply understand different requirement, habits, fancy, motivation and effective communicating way of kinds of staff. 让主管更深入了解各种类型员工的需求、习性、喜好及激励与有效沟通的方式。
- Every thing that happens has a cause and effect. 事情发生了, 就会有它的前因后果。
- The second part mainly combs the policies of BHK on VRS and BP, trying to make appropriate comments on its motives and effects. 第二部分主要梳理了港英政府时期的越南难民和船民政策,并对政策实施的动机和效果作出适当的评价。
- Study the cause and effect of the matter. 研究该问题的因果关系。
- Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life. 就是你生命里因果效应的仲裁者。
- So are the Aetiology and Effect Measure blogs. 病因学和效应测量的博客也是如此。