- There are two kinds of indexes, viz. accounting profit and market value, to evaluate the performance of management motivation of listed corporations. 摘要反映上市公司管理层的经营业绩可归类分为两类业绩指标,即会计利润指标和市场价值指标。
- The motivation of sperm donors varies. 捐精者的动机各不相同。
- What's your motivation of doing this thing? 你做这件事情的动机是什么?
- We should get a sample of list to check. 我们应该索取目录上的样品来检验一下。
- We should check the examples by the sample of list. 我们应该索取目录上的样品来检验一下。
- Tip: Use CSS styles to define the type of list! 提示:用CSS样式来定义列表类型!
- You guys are the source and motivation of my creations as well! 你们大伙也是我创作表演的动力和源泉!
- We should ask for the sample of list to check out. 我们应该索取目录上的样品来检验一下。
- The motivation of a Smurf attack is the same as before. Smurf攻击的动机与前一种攻击相同。
- Political Conflict:Resistance or Motivation of the Modernization? 政治冲突:现代化的阻力还是动力?
- Those are the basics of listing items using eBay Web services. 这些是利用eBay Web服务列出商品的基本步骤。
- Is there a formal system of listing or registration of consultants? 有否正式制定一套顾问登记制度?
- motivation of listing 上市动机
- It may be a mistake to credit dolphins with any motive of life-saving. 相信它们具有救生的动机可能是错误的。
- Here's a kind of list attached, but I can not make out how on earth you have come to this amount. 上面附有目录,我不知道你们到底是怎样得出那笔数字的。
- Vanity is a motive of immense potency. 虚荣心是一个有着极大潜力的动机。
- Luxury consumption is always connected with motivation of flaunt. 摘要:消费的奢侈性通常被认为与炫耀动机有关。
- The unit of length is measured in number of list items. 长度单位用列表项数来测量。
- In both types of list, a check box accompanies each item. 在这两种类型的列表中,每个条目旁都有一个复选框。
- We dissected the motivation of the characters in the story. 我们剖析故事中角色的行事动机。