- Get the gears in motion for a press release. 备妥新闻稿的相关事宜。
- The motion for realignment of Divisions, or Areas. 各分部或分区组织调整的提案。
- All sinners will die one day, and come before God for judgement. 有一天所有的罪人都会死以及面对神的审判。
- motion for judgement 请求作出已有利的判决的动议
- They have tabled a motion for debate at the next Party Conference. 他们已经提出一项动议,在下次党的会议上进行辩论。
- Rotate your ankle in a circular motion for 5 seconds. 转动脚踝5秒。然后另一条腿做相同的动作。
- File a motion for a declaratory judgment, mark it up for tomorrow. 准备一份申请,明天之前做好。
- The District Court denied petitioner′s motion for a judgment of acquittal. 地区法院驳回上诉人提出的无罪判决的动议。
- The defendant's motion for judgment dismissing the complaint for insufficiency. 是被告提出要求判决驳回原告的这一诉求。
- Remember, there is only one upward arm motion for the entire group of notes! 记住,只有一个手臂向上运动才适合弹奏一组音符!
- By October 23 my colleagues and I had been in motion for over two weeks. 到十月二十三日为止,我和同事们四处奔波已超过两个星期。
- You file a motion for what they call an "interlocutory injunction. ". 你写一份申请来得到他们所谓的"临时禁令"。
- He motioned for us to follow him. 他示意我们跟他走。
- He made woeful and savage onslaught on a poem and a romance which came before him for judgement. 他对前来接受他的审判的一篇诗和一本小说,进行了大刀阔斧,铁面无情的讨伐。
- He motioned for me to precede him up the path. 他示意让我在前面沿着小路向上走。
- Therefore,Dot?ELISA to detect CAgs is not suitable for judgement of infectiosity of ?Schistosoma japonicum?. ? 因此Dot-ELISA法检测循环抗原不适宜于作为日本血吸虫感染度的判断方法
- He stood and motioned for Obi-Wan to do the same. 他站起来,示意欧比万也起身。
- Anyhow, headachy sicken age can cause the disease that have a headache to provide certain clue for judgement. 总之,头痛的患病年龄能为判断引起头痛的疾病提供一定的线索。
- This research can provide reference for judgement of new prospect's sedimentary environment. 该研究成果可为新探区的沉积环境判断提供参考。
- A man caught up with this world is not ready for the next one. Materialism is no preparation for judgement or for heaven. 一位被这世界抓住的人尚未预备妥当进入来生。物质主义对审判及天堂毫无准备。