- The most significant relationship principle budded in the early development of private international law (PIL) and matured in the late 20th century. 摘要最密切联系原则产生于国际私法产生的早期,成熟于20世纪后期,经历了一个由隐到显、由幕后到台前的发展过程。
- S.) second Restatement of Conflict of laws and the Hague Trusts Convention adopted the so-called "the most significant relationship (the most closely connected) test". 本文第二部分首先说明信讬法律冲突发生之原因,亦即涉外信讬之意涵,并阐述涉外信讬之法律适用程序;
- principle of most significant relationship 最密切联系原则
- the most significant relationship 最密切联系
- the most significant relationship principle 最密切联系原则
- the Doctrine the Most Significant Relationship 最密切联系原则
- the most significant relationship pl nciple 最密切联系原则
- the most significant relationship place 最密切联系地
- the principle of the most significant relationship 最密切联系原则
- doctrine of the most significant relationship 最密切联系原则
- the doctrine of the most significant relationship 最密切联系原则
- the legislative principle of the most significant relationship 最密切联系地法原则
- This is one of the most significant studies of the subject. 这是对该课题最重要的研究之一。
- What is your most significant accomplishment? 你最显著的成就是什么?
- Some of the most significant issues were neglected. 最重要的问题中, 有些被忽略了。
- The Most Significant Relationship Principle Should Be Established as a Basic Principle of PIL 最密切联系原则应确立为国际私法的基本原则
- "Harden" the Doctrine of the Most Significant Relationship and Perfect Our Country's Interrelated Legislation 论最密切联系原则的"硬化"处理及我国相关立法的完善
- This is a most significant task for us at all times. 这始终是摆在我们面前的一个十分重要的问题。
- What is the most significant political task for China? 就我们国内来说,什么是中国最大的政治?
- The Lunar New Year is the most significant festival in Taiwan. 农历新年在台湾是意义最重大的节日。