- It has become the most common language on Internet and for internat ... 没有亲情友情爱情,世界就会是一片孤独和黑暗。
- Mandarin is the most common language of Shanghai ,John has learneda few courtesy expressions. 普通话是上海最常用的语言,约翰只学会几句礼貌用语。
- He explained that it was going to be done later and at that first stage, the meeting had to work in the most common language, namely English. 他解释说,这些工作随后要做,在第一阶段,会议必须以最常用的语言即英语进行。
- GPSS is one of the most common languages that are used in computer simulation area of disperse field. GPSS语言是目前在离散系统计算机模拟领域使用的最常见的模拟语言之一。
- A common language is a bridge between different cultures. 共同的语言是不同文化之间交流的桥梁。
- The English and Australians have a common language. 英国人和澳大利亚人有共同的语言。
- The most common kind of busker plays a guitar. 最常见的街头艺人是吉他演奏者。
- A common language is a bridge between cultures. 一种通用语言是沟通各国文化的桥梁。
- The most common neoplasm in bone is a metastasis. 大多数骨肿瘤都是转移瘤。
- Bloody discharge is the most common type. 血性溢液最为常见。
- Describes common language runtime array types. 描述公共语言运行库数组类型。
- Employ English as a common language. 把英语当作共同语言使用。
- This means listing the most common options first. 让这些功能最容易被访问到,这意味着要把最常用的选项放在最前面。
- English is their common language. 英语是他们的共同语言。
- The most common site is the Base of the Big toe. 最常见的发作部位是拇趾末端关节。
- Britain and America share a common language. 英国和美国共用一种语言。
- The most common is sodium chloride?salt. 最常用的化学制品就是氯化钠??盐。
- It is common language now to say it like this. 现在日常说话都这样说。
- The most common complaint is about poor service. 最常见的投诉与服务差有关。
- Graphite is the most common form of carbon. 碳最常以石墨的形态存在。