- What brand of gin is most closely associated with the British Royal Navy? 哪个品牌的金酒与英国皇家海军有着紧密地联系?
- Methods. We sought to identify the characteristics and surgical methods most closely associated with complete cure for C-DAF. 背景信息摘要:同时运用介入和开放手术两种方法成功的应用于我们的病例。目前存在的争议是,究竟选择哪种方法能更有效的治疗C-DAF。
- Most closely associated with France, this aperitif wine is aged 2-3 years in oak casks exposed to the elements to accelerate maturation. 这种开胃酒大多产自法国,在橡木桶中陈酿2-3年,它叫什么名字?
- But it is with the four “Rabbit” books, published between 1960 and 1990, that Mr Updike will be most closely associated. 然而是他在1960年至1990年间发表的“兔子四部曲”,使得厄普代克成为人们关注的焦点。
- Most closely associated with Italy, this sweet, fortified aperitif is infused with herbs, roots, seeds, quinine and various other botanicals. 这种葡萄加强酒通常产自意大利,包括多种药本植物根茎、籽实和奎宁,它叫什么名字?
- Made with top-fermenting yeasts, this type of brew is typically heavy-bodied, copper-colored, high in alcohol and most closely associated with English-style beers. 采用上发酵母酿造,酒体厚重,古铜色泽,酒精含量高,被认为是英国风格的啤酒,它叫什么名字?
- The Afghanistan earthquake occurred at 06:22:28 UT on May 30, 1998 and the thermonuclear test most closely associated in time occurred at 06:55 UT or after the occurrence of the earthquake. 阿富汗地震发生在1998年5月30日格林威治时间6时22分28秒,与之最接近的热核反应试验发生在格林威治时间6时55分,也就是地震之后。
- According to a consumer survey done last month by R3, the Chinese marketing consultancy, of the top 10 companies most closely associated with the Olympics, two are not sponsors at all. 据中国市场营销咨询公司胜三(R3)上月做的一次消费者调查,与奥运会密切相关的10家顶级公司中,有两家根本不是赞助商。
- Mr Bush has sacked or sidelined many of the people who were most closely associated with it, such as Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Douglas Feith and Donald Rumsfeld. 布什对其身边的亲信开始了一轮大洗牌,PaulWolfowitz,JohnBolton,DouglasFeith和DonaldRumsfeld先后被解职或谪贬。
- Autoantibody status in this analysis was more closely associated with clinical manifestations than were SSc subsets. 抗体状态比系统性硬化症分型与临床表现的关系更紧密。
- So to more closely associate themselves in the public mind with sound science, physicians began donning the lab coats that were being worn by chemists and other laboratory types. 因此为了更加接近大众印象中的科学家形象,医生们开始穿着原先化学家和其他实验室人员专有的白大衣。
- Most close to the skin. Absorbent, ventilate. 穿在肌肤的第一层,吸汗、透气。
- That ambassador is closely associated with China's business leader. 那位大使和中国商界领袖关系密切。
- There has always been a close association between these two schools. 这两所学校一向有密切联系。
- Out of all the senses, smell is most closely linked to memory. 在所有的感觉中,嗅觉与记忆关联度最大。
- He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies. 在公众的心目中,他总是和恐怖电影紧密联系在一起。
- Sleep apnea syndro me (SAS) is closely associated with stroke. 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征与卒中关系密切。
- Why do we say troposphere and human are in most close relations ? 为什么说,对流层与人类的关系最为密切?
- Hong Kong and Malaysia are close associates. 香港和马来西亚一向关系密切。
- Young cleric:That area is closely associated with lies and secrets. 这个区域与谎言和秘密有直接关系。